Get that in your fucking head.

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Draco looks up from the note and keeps his eyes on Theo the whole rest of class until were dismissed.

Yup I'm dead and so is Theo.

As I flee out of the classroom trying my best to catch up to Draco, knowing exactly what he is doing. Blaise jumps out in front of me with his hands blocking my way, he takes a few steps towards me, causing me to take steps back until I hit a wall.

"Hey princess, How are you doing?" He asks patintley as if weve got all day. I know what he's doing, Draco set him up to this.

"Zabini, it's really not the right time right no--"

He interrupts me "But I've got all day.." he reaches for my chin but I harshly turn away.

He clenches his jaw as he looks me up and down in an unfriendly way, then he turns his head down both ends of the hall.

Did Draco set him up to this?

Before I could manage to get away his hands were tighting around my neck. I could feel my air hole closing in as he pressed harder. My eyeys were filled with anger and were pleaing for help to anyone who walked down, the corridor stayed empty.

"Ple--" is all I could manange to get out before everything went blank.


I rushed down the corridor after Theo, with anger in my eyes, my fists clenched as I saw the back of the brown hair pussy sitting in the great hall.

I'll just have to deal with My sweet Aurora later.

Without hesitation I was dragging him down an empty corridor, my fists riapidly slamming into each side of his face pleaserubly. It was like I couldn't stop, usually I would be able to pull myself off, but all I could feel was rage.

My eye sight became blury from tears filling them, urging to come out. All I could see was blood, my hands, theo, the floor.

I was only put to a stop as some ravenclaw boy pulled me off.

"Mine. She's fucking Mine. Get that in your fucking head." I yelled before getting up and walking away from the bloody mess I created.

I walked down an empty corridor, knowing Aurora must be somewhere. But I had this gut feeling, that I fucked up. This turendous feeling taking over my body, something was wrong. I rush down the hallway looking down every corner, pleaing it be Aurora elegantly walking down the hallway. But no. That's not what I got, instead, there I found on the ground was a nearly lifeless Aurora on the cold ground of the empty corridor. I fell down the ground, Immediatley taking her into my hands and rushing her to my dorm.

I gently laied her down on the bed, I walked over to the bathroom not wanting to wake her and I grab a warm rag and place it on her forehead.

Looking at her, how she so peacefully slept I couldn't take it anymore I just c-cried. I fell down to he ground and cried like a useless piece of shit. This was my fault, this was all my fault. I let her go, I made the tiniest mistake and everything was ruined.

My time was cut short by the sound of her little snores, I watched her chest as It went up and down. I followed her breathing, it was steady, it was peaceful. I walked over to her and gently rubbed my thumb over the hand marks on her neck.

Who fucking did this to her, I had to find out. But I couldn't just leave her alone here. I'm never leaving her alone again.

I quietly walk over to the bathroom and turn the nob on the shower. I stepped in and let the hot water, roll down my cuts. The stinging sensation surrounded my body. Looking down to my wrist, my daily reminder of who I really was.

The mark lied there on my arm, smirking at me. The scrathes over it didn't do anything. I tried. And tried. Nothing worked, nothing helped the burning of it and the guilt it brough with it. Most of the time I refuse to acknowledg it, but the traumotizing things it brought with it. They were the daily reminder of who I was forced to be.

I got out of the shower and wrapped a towel around my waist. I grabbed for my wand, to do a quick charm that decently helped the burning but only for an hour a few if your lucky. I mumbled the words under my breath, and a cold wind brushed over it. I walked over to my closet and put on a black t shirt and some sweat pants.

I walked over to the side of the bed opposite from Aurora and lied down, I gently wrapped my arms around her warm body. Holding her tight.

"I am so sorry. Please don't leave me. Please your all I have." I whispered, tears urging out once again.

I planted a kiss on her forehead and tried to get at least 6 hours of sleep.

Mine;Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now