Chapter 1

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I wake up. I open my eyes very slightly and slowly. I'm in so much pain for some reason. I feel so exhausted. As the water blurs out of my eyes, I see clearly now. Bright lights are above me and the ceiling is white. This isn't my bedroom. I sit up straight, panicked. I'm in a hospital bed. My bed is against the wall, in front of a door. I look to my left. There's a computer monitor and its beeping, tracking my heart rate. I feel something poking me in my arm. I look down at my left arm. There's a needle inside it, taking blood into a tube. I don't know how I got here or why I got here, I feel fine. I just have a head ache. I yank the needle out of my arm and grit my teeth from the pain. I put the needle and tube on the computer monitor desk. There's a desk with a rolling chair next to the monitor. This room is kind of small. I get up slowly. I grab a shot with a needle in it. I don't know what's in it, but I will use it, to protect myself. I walk closer to the door holding the needle in my right arm. The one I aim with and the arm that's really strong. I hold it up. I turn the nob on the door and the door opens, but it wasn't me who opened it, it was someone in the outside. A man in a doctor's suit walks in. I hold up the needle high.

"Woah woah woah, take it easy." He says.

"What am I doing here?! What's going on?!" I yell.

"Just take it easy...okay?" He slowly reaches into his pocket and yanks out a needle and jabs me in the left arm with it. I grit my teeth and fall on the floor. Everything goes black.

I wake up again. I sit up straight again but something's keeping me down from sitting up all the way. I look down at my arms and they are strapped to the bed. I can't move. I can't get up. I can only lift my head half way. I struggle to get out. Moving side to side.

"Take it easy, you're injured." A voice says next to me.

It's the doctor. He's sitting in the rolling chair and he rolls over next to my bed.

"What am I doing here?!" I yell.

"Do you remember anything?"

"No. Where's my family?"

"We were driving by and we saw a lot of terrible, horrifying things happening. Explosions and everything. People turning into....monsters."


"And we saw a lot of people in trouble and we saved them in time before they got bit, scratched, or eaten by one of those things. And we saw you in trouble and your family, and we rescued you."

"What about my family?! Where are they?!"

"We don't know. We only had time I save you."

"You should of saved them. I'm not worth living."

"Everyone is worth living."


"But we found out you got scratched by one of those things. We think you're....infected. So you might turn anytime. So we are going to do tests on you. We are gonna try to find a cure. To help you not turn. You were supposed to turn at least twelve seconds after you got bitten but you didn't turn yet. So that might mean something."

"Turn into what? What happened?"

"Would you like to see what our city looks like now?" He asks.

I nod. He unstraps me and walks me out of my room. I'm walking down the hallway of the big hospital. Everything is so bright white.

"Hey, long have I been here?" I ask him.

"About a week. It all started on Monday."

"So, what day is today?"


I nod.

He walks me over to this back door.

"Only have a look. Don't go anywhere else." He says. I nod. He opens the door. I walk outside. Something inside me wishes I didn't walk out that door.

"Oh my God." I say. I walk more out. I stop in the middle of the field I'm standing in. The grass is yellowish and not green. The grass goes up to my knees. There's trees next to me. The forest must be next to me, on both sides. And I'm in the middle of the field. I look in the distance. I see the city. The city me and my family would always visit. Go shopping, go out to eat, go to parties. All the buildings are torn and have holes in them. There's smoke coming out of some. I walk faster. I need to get out of this place. This is my only destination. The city. I walk more fast.

"Stop!" Yells a man through a mega phone. I look behind me. He's on the roof of the hospital and is pointing a gun at me. He wouldn't kill me. Don't they need me? For experiments? Tests? I walk more out and I hear he gun go off and the bucket hits me right in the leg. I fall to the ground and everything goes black again.

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