Chapter 22: The Baby From Hell

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"Now, the moment we've all been waiting for." The Seer turns to the girls and me. We're trapped in her magical cage with no hope of escaping. She's taken the oath to become the Source and is fueled with the power of Phoebe's unborn baby. "The end of the Charmed Ones." She shoots a beam of energy at us, vanquishing us.

"No!" I jolt awake, heart pounding.

I look around and reorient myself and realize I'm in the attic in the manor, not in the Underworld being vanquished. I look outside to see it's late and storming. The Book of Shadows is turned to the Seer's entry, and my notes lay beside me with everything I can remember happening and possible ways to avoid certain outcomes.

A rumble of thunder booms outside the window, causing me to turn to see a woman I haven't seen in a while.

"God?" I ask quietly, quite not believing my eyes.

She stares out the window. Her white dress billows softly behind her despite there being no wind. She finally turns to me and meets my eyes.

"Where have you been? Why haven't I seen you in so long?" I ask her.

She looks down almost guiltily and doesn't say anything.

"What's wrong?" I ask her.

"I came to warn you." Her voice comes out so softly I almost couldn't hear her over the rain.

"Warn me? About what?"

"Your destiny. Its..." She trails off suddenly, looking unsure.

This is the first time I've seen God hesitant to speak when usually she's overflowing with words.

"What about my destiny? Is something wrong?"

Her mouth opens as she goes to speak, but then another clap of thunder occurs, and she suddenly disappears.

"Who are you talking to?" I hear a voice behind me.

I turn to see it's Piper.

"Oh, no one," I tell her. "I'm sorry, did I wake you?"

"No, I just wanted to check on you." She sees me sitting at the table with the book open. "Sweetie, it's late. What are you still doing up?"

I glance down at the book. "Just...studying the book."

Piper walks closer, and I mumble a quick spell, "Abeo." The notes I wrote down vanish as if they were never there.

Piper rubs my back and says, "Honey, we can worry about the Seer tomorrow. There's no point in you losing sleep over it."

"Yeah, but I just want to make sure I don't miss anything. I have a feeling this will be a battle that will change everything."

"We just vanquished the Source of All Evil two days ago, and you think vanquishing the Seer will be the battle to end all battles?"

"It might just be," I mumble and sigh. "But you're right. I should get some sleep. I'm sorry for waking you up."

"You're fine, honey." She smiles at me and leaves the room.

I close the Book of Shadows and go lay down on the small couch. I stare at the window and listen to the rain patter against the window and the occasional thunder. My eyes start to grow heavy, and eventually, I fall asleep.


The following day, Piper gets up early to make breakfast. Since I didn't get much sleep last night and I would probably just be staring at the ceiling for the next couple of hours, I decided to get up and help her. She was pretty surprised with my cooking abilities, but back in my past life, cooking was one of the many hobbies I managed to keep up even with how stressful my job was. I owe it to my mom for that.

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