Chapter 11: Changing Destiny

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A/N: Omg, I so forgot it was Monday today😅. I apologize for the late update😣! Let's get straight to the point. Thank you guys so much! We got over 400 reads like 🤯! Y'all are really out here hyping me up😂. Fair warning, this is a long chapter. I feel like this might be one of my favorite chapters yet, but it does go a bit off course than what I intended, so please leave your thoughts on if you like the direction it's going. I hope you enjoy it!
"So, how do you know it works?" Kai asks me.

We're back in my bedroom. He's standing up near my window while I lie in bed, simply admiring the ring on my finger. We just got back from casting the spell, so it's still dark out. I rotate my hand to get a better look at the ring. I know it looks the same before the spell, but it feels so different.

"I'm not sure. We're gonna have to test it." I tell him.

"What did you have in mind?" He asks with a slight grin.

"Well," I return the grin. "You are me, so what am I thinking?"

He thinks for a moment. "You explicitly stated in the spell you wanted the ring to protect against all physical and magical threats." He looks at the candle burning on my desk. "Let's start with the physical aspect first."

I get up and head towards the candle. A small flame burns on its tip.

"You'll need to up the danger if you really want to test it. That flame is too weak." He tells me.

I stare at the flame and whisper, "Ignarious."

The flame shoots up as it intensifies in strength. I breathe through the flash of panic that hits me. I pull my sleeve up and begin to hold my palm out, inching closer to the flame. I feel the heat as I get closer, and my body tells me to move back, but I push past my instinct and keep going. I close my eyes, and I fully place my hand in the flame. I wait to feel the burn and sting of the fire but find no hint of pain.

"Wow," I hear Kai mumble. "Ambrose, look."

I open my eyes and find my arm completely exposed to the fire, yet my arm is completely fine. I move my hand around in the flame and see no indication of burning.

"How does it feel?" Kai asks.

"It feels...warm, to be honest," I tell him and try to describe the feeling. "I can feel the heat. I know it's there, but even though my eyes are telling me that I'm touching fire, it feels like I'm touching a heated blanket."

"Well, you seem to be protected physically. How are you going to test your defense against magic?"

I go to my drawer and grab a map and a scrying crystal. I lay the map against my desk and swing the crystal over the map. The crystal drops to an alleyway downtown. I look up at Kai and grin. "Let's go get some field practice."


I park near the entrance of the alleyway. The streetlight barely illuminates the street, and there is no one out.

"You sure you should do this by yourself?" Kai asks, sitting in the passenger seat looking out the window.

"If I'm planning on gathering intel on The Seer, I'm going to need to be able to vanquish demons without support," I tell him. "Besides, we need to see how the ring defends against magical attacks, not just physical."

"I know. careful." He turns to look at me. "If you die, I die, and I don't know what's going to happen this time if you do."

I nod and make sure he knows I'm taking this seriously. "I promise I will be careful. I scryed for low-level demons, so it's not going to be a challenge. You're here to watch my back too."

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