Chapter 20: When It All Falls Down

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A/N: Hey! I know. I know. You haven't heard from me in months😓! I did not expect to go that long without updating, but finding time to write has been a challenge😂. I won't bore you too long with unnecessary things, so let's get straight to the chapter! This chapter switches POV a lot, so I hope you can keep up.

P.S. I missed you guys and the story! 🥺


"Are you ready?" Mason asks me.

I look down at my phone. My finger hovers over the send button. I know I need to do it, but it feels wrong.


I glance up at him, and he gives me a stern look. "You said you were prepared to do anything to accomplish your mission. Don't tell me you're backing out now."

I shake my head. "I'm not backing out. It's feels wrong blatantly lying to them like this. What if they need me and I'm not there?"

"We'll be back in no time," He rolls his eyes. "How much trouble do you honestly think this family of yours will get into while you're gone?"

You'd be surprised. I think bitterly.

"We need to strike now. I've heard whispers that the Source is getting ready to be crowned as the true ruler of the Underworld. Once he does that, there's no stopping him."

I narrow my eyes. "I told you I'm not after the Source. I only care about the Seer. Besides, you said it yourself. Only the Charmed Ones can vanquish him."

"I know. But you have to consider the fact that she's one of his most deeply guarded assets. If he completely takes over the Underworld, you can say goodbye to getting close to the Seer. Her protection depends on his power."

I raise an eyebrow. "And this has nothing to do with the fact that you want to become the Source?"

He shrugs and says, "Someone will become the Source, Ambrose. It's inevitable. The Underworld needs a ruler, or it becomes chaotic. Too chaotic. Wouldn't you rather have someone you know leading than someone you don't?"

"I'd rather...not think about that until I have to."

He sighs and crosses his arms, and waits.

"They're the Charmed Ones, Ambrose." Kai reminds me. He glances down over my shoulder and reads the text. "They've been kicking ass long before you got here. They can handle a couple of hours without you. You need to do this now, or you'll lose your chance."

I glance down one more time at the pre-written text. Hey! So, Gabriel has me helping him with this massive case for a client of his. I'm not able to get away, so hopefully, nothing supernatural happens today, and you guys need an extra witch. I'll let you know when I'm finished. Love you!


Mason glances up once I speak. I press the send button and pocket my phone.

I hold out my hand and say, "Take us down."


Piper and Paige ride the elevator up to Cole and Phoebe's penthouse.

"Cole's a demon again. That's what's going on." Paige tells Piper.

"Do you want us to lose a sister because that's exactly what's gonna happen if you blurt it out like that." She retorts back. She sighs and says, "Besides, we only know that Cole is dealing with demons, not that he is a demon."

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