Chapter 14: Secrets Revealed

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A/N: Hey, guys! I hope everyone had a great weekend. God, so much has happened these past few weeks. I've graduated high school, I'm 18, and I've moved and am starting college. Luckily, I've been writing chapters in advance, so I don't fall behind. I know what my schedule is once my classes start but I don't know like how busy I'll actually be. All my classes are online, and I'm not even taking that many, so I don't think I'll be too busy, so updates will continue to be every Monday, but depending on how I manage my time, it might change🤷🏾‍♂️. I included a family tree if anyone was interested because how everyone is related does get brought up in this chapter. One more thing! This chapter has some 3rd POV moments. The reason I did this is so you guys can see how Ambrose's actions are affecting others without him being there. However, do not get used to this type of POV because I prefer to keep it strictly in Ambrose's POV, but if I deem it necessary to add it for plot sake, I will do it.  Last thing! We got #1 for Power of Three! I took a screenshot because Wattpad rankings are like Project Runway. "One minute you're in, the next're out." I got dethroned literally a day later😂😂, but it's because of you guys that I even made it, so thank you and enjoy!

" I got dethroned literally a day later😂😂, but it's because of you guys that I even made it, so thank you and enjoy!

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"I'm a witch."

Anthony looks stunned before squinting his eyes at me, probably waiting for me to tell him I'm joking.

He chuckles and leans against his door frame. "I was expecting you to tell me you murdered someone, and you need me to help hide the body, but I guess you're really going there. Really funny, Ambrose."

I keep my face stoic. "I'm not joking, Anthony. I know I sound crazy, and it's hard to believe, but it's true."

Anthony waits for a moment, testing to see if I'm going to drop the act, but as we continue in silence, I can tell he's getting confused.

I sigh and roll my eyes. "I can prove it."

"How?" He gives me an unimpressed stare. "You gonna cast a spell on me?"

"I would never use my magic on you unless it was to save you. Now ask me to do something impossible."

He sighs and shakes his head. "Ambrose, why are we doing this? It's crazy. You're not a witch."

"If nothing happens, I will willingly place myself in a mental institution, but if it does, then you will at least let me explain. Now ask me to do something."

He stares at me, contemplating whether to indulge me or not. He groans. "Fine. If you're really a witch, then..." he glances at the window. "Make it snow. If you can do that, then I'll believe you."

I nod and walk over to the window and stare outside as I let my mind think of a quick rhyme. I close my eyes as I finish the spell in my head before I say it out loud.
"Nature of mine, hear my call. Make it snow, let it fall. Heavy and thick so that we may see, the glory of your mystery."

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