Chapter 4: Enter the Demon

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My phone alarm goes off and I quickly turn it off, so Anthony doesn't wake up. He's a very light sleeper and can hear from his room into mine when it's this early in the morning.

I grab a notepad and a pen, a white candle, and a book of spells in Latin. I'm trying to test a theory and if it might make up for my lack of skill with physical combat against demons.

I sit crisscross on my bedroom floor and place the candle in front of me. I want to light the candle with magic. I decide to try what Phoebe did and write a spell off the top of my head.

"I call upon the power of fire. To light this candle, that I desire. Spark a flame from its tip and illuminate the dark within my midst." I end the spell sounding more like a question than with confidence because of how it rhymed.

However, the spell works and the candle is lights up with a small flickering flame.

Okay, so that method works, obviously. Now to try the unfamiliar.

I blow out the candle and grab the book. I flip through the different sections with types of spells ranging from divination, cloaking and illusion, and spells that affect the mind and body. I continue searching until I find the section on elemental magic. I quickly scan the chapter looking for a fire spell until I find one.

I mumble the instructions aloud to myself. "Visualize the object you would like to set on fire. Imagine the intensity of the fire and speak the word. It is recommended to try this spell outside on a small object."

I memorize the word and set the book down. I stare at the candle until I imagine it with a small flame as it had earlier.

"Incendia," I whisper.

The candle lights itself and I can't help, but grin to myself.

It worked! I wonder if there's a spell to stop fires.

I grab the book and look at the next page to find a fire extinguishing spell. I read to see that it requires hand movement.

"Hold your hand out towards the fire, speak the word, and ball your fist."

I hold my hand out towards the candle and glance down at the spell.

"Incendia Absum." I close my hand as I finish the spell.

The flame seems to shrink itself into nothing.

So some magic requires the word while some might require gestures.

"Impressive. But you still have a lot to learn."

I turn towards the sound of the voice and see God in my mirror.

My face scrunches up in slight annoyance. "Where have you been? I literally haven't seen you since I met the girl—my cousins."

She grins and asks, "So you finally consider yourself part of the family?"

She walks out to the right, and I turn around to see her sitting on my bed.

"Yes. Piper said so herself." I tell her, but it doesn't sound as confident as I would have wanted.

She nods. "I'm glad."

I shrug my shoulders and repeat my question. "But where have you been?"

"Busy. Have you forgotten that I am a god? I don't just sit on my ass like many of you think," she rolls her eyes, "Besides you didn't need me."

"Maybe," I shrug. "But you could have told me you were going to be gone longer than usual. You used to check on me all the time."

"That's because I didn't want you to have to adjust to this new world without a familiar face. Now that you have met your cousins, you can confide in them."

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