Chapter 14: Spoiled

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We exited the restaurant and Avi pulled me into his arms and kissed me softly. “This is where we part ways for now.” I must have pouted because he smiled and brushed my cheek. “Tomorrow, my love. This afternoon and tonight I want you to spend some much needed time with your sister.  I have some things I need to do and you two deserve to be rubbed and scrubbed and pampered from the top of your heads to the bottoms of your feet. I have arranged that for you two. You also have a very nice hotel room to stay in tonight and I want you to order in a room service dinner of whatever you want. Some additional surprises will be showing up sporadically. Just know I love you very much and I will see you tomorrow.” He kissed me again until I couldn’t breathe. I had tears in my eyes.  How did he always know what I needed? A car horn honked and pulled me out of the bubble we were in.  Michelle was standing next to an Uber with two duffel bags waiting for me. I whispered my love to Avi and got in the waiting car with her.

“I’m sorry I couldn’t tell you. Dang that man loves to surprise you.” I lightly smacked her thigh as she defended herself. I hugged her and pushed for more details. She put her hands up. “All I know is that we have a spa day today and a hotel room for the night. I swear that’s all I know.” I shook my head and got excited.

“This last week has been absolutely amazing and I am so excited that you are coming to LA with us.” I hugged her again and we were a bit quiet on the way to the spa. The driver dropped us at the door and advised that he would be back to pick us up at 6 pm. I tried to tip him and he advised that it had already been taken care of. We both giggled and headed into the spa.

The receptionist knew who we were and led us to a room that would be ours for the duration of our time there. We were instructed to change into the robes provided and get comfortable. We were given itineraries of the services we were signed up for and left to ourselves.  It looked like we had about 15 minutes before the first one, a massage.

Michelle let out a low whistle.  This place was pretty high end. She used the bathroom and came back out in her robe with her clothes folded neatly in a pile. I did the same, grabbed us each a bottle of water and flopped down next to her on the couch. She was reviewing the services he had chosen. “Massage, exfoliating shower, facial, mani/pedi, and waxing if we want it.” I sighed. “He likes to go overboard sometimes, but I am looking forward to this time with you. I am ready for some good girl talk.” At that moment a knock on the door interrupted us. We were being collected for our massages. I sighed and smiled. “See you in about an hour.”

The massage was wonderful.  My masseuse was a quiet woman with strong hands. I may have dozed off a bit and I felt like jello getting off the table. I got back to our room just before Michelle did. She looked as relaxed as I felt. I giggled as she flopped down next to me.”That good, huh?” 

She sighed. “Amazing.”

I laughed and looked at the time. “Looks like we have about 15 minutes until the showers. I am anxious to see what that is all about.” I figured we wouldn’t have time for any heavy conversation here. Just like that we were collected again. The shower was interesting. An esthetician met us in the shower room and explained what the products did and how to use them. We each had our own stall and she handed us the individual products as we needed them. They were tailored to our individual needs and we were each given a container of each product we used to take home. We were led straight to the mani/pedi stations from our showers. I chose a galaxy looking treatment for both while Michelle chose a marble look in shades of green.We giggled and compared on our way back to our room. We had both decided to get a bikini wax even though we had never had one before. It wasn’t as painful as I was expecting and I was really hoping that Avi liked it. We got back to the room and got dressed and ready for our ride to pick us up. Our things had been packed up neatly for us to take on our way. I felt very spoiled. I took a picture of my nails and sent it to Avi with a thank you. He needed to know that his actions were appreciated.

Our ride arrived promptly when he said he would and he dropped us off at a very swanky hotel. Michelle gave them the name the reservations were listed under and we were given keys to a penthouse suite. I gasped, I shouldn’t have been surprised, but I very much was. We giggled like school girls the whole elevator ride. We opened the door and ran to flop on the bed. I sent a quick text to Avi. This is too much. Thank you. I love you. His response was almost instant. Nothing is too much for you. I love you too.

I set my phone on the table next to the bed as Michelle was pulling out the menu for room service. We decided pretty quickly what we wanted and Michelle called to place the order. I was reaching for my duffel bag and asking about pajamas when there was a knock at the door. “There is no way the food is here already.” Michelle went to the door to find the bellhop with several gift bags in his hand. Michelle took them and thanked him. She brought them to the bed and sat them down. “There’s a card here.” She opened it and started reading out loud. “For two of my favorite ladies. Here you will find everything you need for a proper pj party. I hope I got it right, I’m not really sure what happens at a proper pj party. The blue bags are for Rae, the green are for Michelle, and the silver one is for you to share.” We did the obligatory ‘aww’ and dug into the bags. We each had a cozy pair of pj pants and tank tops with matching slippers. There were eye masks, soft socks, and a pillow for each of us.  I laughed and changed into my jammies. The silver bag had a bottle of champagne, a bag of microwave popcorn, assorted packages of movie theater candy, and a journal. She put her jammies on too and we settled in while we waited for our dinner to arrive. She got the champagne chilling and called down to the front desk for a couple of champagne flutes.  They arrived with our dinner which was wheeled in on a nice cart. The server set the table in the sitting room and made sure we had everything we needed before he left. We were definitely spoiled.

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