Chapter 9: Spoiled

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We settled into the couch under a blanket and snuggled into one another. He drew shapes on my back and hummed softly. I sighed and let myself drift. After a while his voice startled me. "I'd like to hear more of that story you were telling before dinner."

For some unknown reason, I blushed. "Well, the girl, she still felt out of control, but she remembered that she had found her true north in her more than a friend, friend." I entwined my fingers with his. "As long as she remembers that, she will always land safely."

He pulled me into his lap and pressed his lips to mine tenderly. "She is right, she always will." He held me for a while before suggesting we go to bed. In all honesty I was drained and rest would do us good. I sent him upstairs and I straightened up the downstairs and locked up. I made my way upstairs and I heard water running. The bedroom was lit with candles and so was the bathroom. Avi was releasing a lavender vanilla bath bomb into the water as I leaned against the doorframe. 

"I do not deserve this." I sighed.

"Ah, but you do. We do." He approached me slowly, taking my hands and pulling me into the room. He lifted my arms above my head and pulled my t-shirt off. His arms came around me and unhooked my bra and let it fall to the floor. His hands glided gently over the curves of my waist and hips as he unfastened my jeans and slid them and my panties to the floor. I stepped out of them and into the tub. He made quick work of his own clothes and followed me in. The air around us was filled with steam and relaxing scents. I settled into his arms, his hands masterfully turning my muscles to jelly. 

"You are too good to me." I leaned back against his chest. 

"You have been through so much and I sometimes forget that. In my opinion, I'm not good enough." His words, whispered in my ear made me shiver.

I turned in his arms and kissed him hungrily. 

He bit back at my lips. "The water is getting cool. Let's dry off and pick this back up somewhere softer and warmer." 

His hand was strong on my hip as he held me steady. I just nodded and moved to leave the tub. He pulled the plug on the drain and followed me out. My fires were burning white hot, but I took my time drying off and handing him a towel. I needed to take care of business so I headed to the guest bathroom. When I returned to the bedroom, he was sitting up in bed under the covers. He gave me a smoldering look and patted the space next to him. I dropped my towel and climbed under the covers. 

He placed his hand on the side of my face and stroked my cheek with his thumb. “You are an amazing human being. He leaned in to kiss me softly. I wrapped my arms around his neck and closed the distance between our bodies. His hands traveled down my body, pushing the sheets away, leaving a trail of heat as they went. I bit his lip and tried not to take control. It seemed important to let him have this. 

His hand passed over my belly and found its way to my core. I was practically dripping for him already. I gasped as two of his fingers found their way inside me. He brought me to the edge of an orgasm with just his fingers as he positioned his body in between my legs. I gave him his name as his body found its way into mine. His hands slid under my shoulders and pulled our bodies even closer together. I gasped into his mouth at the unexpected movement.  His lips made their way to my ear. "Relax. Breathe. Just feel." 

He kept his movements strong and slow. He kept me on the edge of orgasm for what felt like hours as his hands and lips worshipped the parts of me they could reach. I cried when he finally pushed us over the edge. I felt like I was drowning in him and I didn't care. He brought us to a slow stop and laid down next to me. He pulled me into his chest and wrapped his arms around me. He kissed my forehead and told me it was okay. I fell asleep crying into his chest.

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