Chapter 1: Preparations

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The days leading up to Avi's arrival were crazy. I spent the time deep cleaning the house, getting doctor's appointments out of the way, and generally freaking out. I had Michelle to help keep me in check, which was a godsend. Part of me couldn't believe the whole thing happened, the other part of me was scared out of my mind, in a good way. We spoke on the phone every night like he promised and we chatted via text almost all of the time. I still hadn't found a way to tell my family about this yet.

Michelle went with me to my doctor's appointment. After some careful discussion and a little bit of research, I decided on the arm implant for birth control. It was pretty simple and basically immediately effective. The doctor slid it under the skin of the inside of my left bicep. She gave me all of the warnings and explained the removal process. I snapped a picture before she wrapped the bandage around it and texted it to Avi. “Mischief managed. New birth control in place.” I laughed at his all emoji response and showed it to Michelle. She laughed too.

I had dinner with my parents about a week before he was supposed to get here. It was nice and we talked about my trip. I tried to find a way to tell them about Avi, but even telling the story in my head sounded ridiculous. In the end, I left out a lot of details, but showed them pictures that didn't involve him. We discussed Thanksgiving, but I said we'd need to wait to lock down details until I talked to Michelle. White lies never hurt anyone. I also told them that I might have a friend coming to visit so I wanted to get their opinion too. 

I spent three days deep cleaning the house from top to bottom. I bought brand new sheets, a whole new bedding set in fact, and brand new pillows. I was in the process of cleaning the carpets when Michelle stopped by. 

“Girl, you are obsessing over this way too much. He is coming to see you, not to judge your house.” She crossed her arms over her chest and shook her head.

“Mich. I'm terrified. What if things have changed? What if he gets here and decides he doesn't want to be with me.”

She gave me that look.  "I get it, but you have nothing to worry about. That boy is head over heels for you." She took a deep breath. "You are worried about the ghosts. In California, your space was neutral, here there are memories for you. I need you to sit down and breathe. We got rid of all of his things and the pictures are packed away in a box in your storage unit." 

I sat down on the coffee table and put my head in my hands. Michelle sat down next to me and rubbed my back.

"It's probably going to be the same for him when you go out there. It is going to be okay. Please breathe and try to relax." 

I leaned into her shoulder and let her hold me for a bit. Like the amazing sister she is, she helped me finish cleaning.  "Tomorrow, right?" 

I nodded. "His flight arrives at 3 tomorrow afternoon. He is renting a car and driving here."  We had dinner together and talked a little longer before she left. 

"Call me if you need anything. Anything."

"I will." I hugged her tight and waved goodbye.

Avi called like he did every night and we talked for about an hour. I headed off to bed, but I slept fitfully. I got up the next morning and did another run through of the house. I cleaned out the refrigerator and went grocery shopping. When I was sufficiently happy that we would have enough food for at least a few days, I checked out and headed home. By the time I got the groceries put away it was 3 PM. I was looking at my phone when his text came through. 

I landed safe and sound and got my rental picked up. I should be on your doorstep in about an hour. Love you. 

I smiled and sent him a quick message back. 

Can't wait to see you. Love you too. 

I started to panic a little and decided to change into something more comfortable. I called Michelle, and she calmed me down some. I lit some candles, put on some music, and got comfortable on the couch with a book. I was starting to doze off when the doorbell rang. My heart dropped into my stomach as I made my way to the door.

Divine Intervention: ThanksgivingWhere stories live. Discover now