Chapter 06. The First Date

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Jeremy walked in as Paul played with Alan in their bedroom. "Paul, um.. Owen is downstairs." "Oh! Great!" Paul jumped from bed and handed Alan over.

"Paul, spend a night with Alan for once, please?" Jeremy sighed. "I don't want kids. You want them." Paul rolled his eyes.

"Really?" Jeremy scoffed. "You are lucky he doesn't understand yet." He took Alan out to the balcony.

"I didn't mean it that way.." Paul sighed and closed his eyes. He should not have said that to Jeremy and Alan, because while Jeremy cheated on him, he never abandoned Alan like he is now.

He promised Jeremy that, while he does not really love kids, he wants Alan. This is not the first time he said this to Jeremy, and he knew how hurt Jeremy was every time he said this.

Paul just sighed because Jeremy couldn't hear him anymore. He went down and found Owen in the living room. "Are you ready?" Owen smiled.

"Can we just spend time in your room or something? I feel tired.." Paul sighed. "Is this because of Jeremy's grumpiness?" Owen looked at Paul.

"No, I promise to sleep over in my sister's room tonight. And well, Jeremy is here with Alan. I just have so much on my plate." Paul explained. "Fine, we can grab some sandwiches and then watch something in my room for a bit. Come on.." Owen took Paul's hand and dragged him.

They were at Owen's room after purchasing some food and drinks. They cuddled up and watched some Christmas movies. Jeremy hates Christmas movies. Paul and Owen both love them.

Sometimes Paul joins Owen and his ex to watch movies, while Jeremy invites his friends to watch sports.

"So.. What are you going to do with Jeremy?" Owen asked after he took a bite of his sandwich. "I don't know.. I have not been the best husband for him either. I just realized that." Paul smiled bitterly.

"He still cheated on you for two months." Owen said. "What do you think of Mia?" Paul changed the subject. "She is nice. Why do you ask?" Owen smiled.

"She is single, just so you know.." Paul chuckled. "No.. Please? I just want to hang out with my best friend and maybe his ex." Owen nestled his head against Paul's neck. "I would not mind being your real boyfriend.."

"What?" Paul pulled himself away. "I thought this was just a fake relationship?" Paul asked. "I love you. I have been for the longest time.." Owen sighed.

Paul sits quietly. He fell in love with Owen two years ago, but he had Jeremy. "I love you too, but I can't leave Alan. I'm sorry, Owen.." "I know.. It's complicated for you. I am willing to wait.." Owen tilted his head. "Can I kiss you?"

"Yes.." Paul kissed Owen. It was a short kiss, but he loved the kiss. "It's silly for me to expect something to happen between us this Christmas. Your husband is here with your son." Owen chuckled.

"Tell me when you started to fall in love with me?" Paul holds Owen close to him. "Um.. Well.. I moved next to you four years ago and I fell in love with you a month after I moved." Owen chuckled.

"That is longer than when I started to love you." Paul laughed.

"I ended my relationship with my ex and moved into the apartment. I was single and you were always nice to me. There was one time you fell asleep while watching this Christmas movie. And I almost stole a kiss from you. You look so beautiful." Owen finally admitted his lust for his married neighbor.

"I fell in love with you two years ago. It was when Jeremy and I were separated for a brief moment. Jeremy kept blaming me for losing our chance to adopt a kid. Because I missed the appointment. I felt bad, but he just turned nasty that day. So I packed my bags and moved to your place. You were so nice to me." Paul laughed.

"What if I ask you to leave Jeremy?" Owen held his breath in. "Part of me thinks that I should prioritize Alan. But some other part of me is just telling me to stop pretending that I still love Jeremy." Paul sighed. "I don't know.."

"It's fine. I understand. Let's just watch this, okay?" Owen smiled. Paul nodded.

Meanwhile, Mia was forced to be with Jeremy and Alan. George said he would spend the night in the town for one night. Alan suddenly got a little feverish, and Paul's phone was turn off.

So Mia and Jeremy tried to take care of Alan, and it became a little irritating for both of them because they both hated each other.

Mia stormed off after an hour of debating with Jeremy. She went to the inn and knocked on Owen's room, wishing that Paul was there. Paul opened up the door and she hugged Paul right away.

She cried about how scared she was and how mean Jeremy was to her. Paul only understood 50% of it, but he called Owen, and then the three of them went to see Alan.

Alan was still crying, so Paul held him and gently rocked him. Paul sang his favorite Christmas song to Alan, Rudolph the Red-nosed Reindeer.

Mia always thought that Paul sang it in the cutest way an adult could possibly do. When Alan started to nod off, Owen dragged Mia out. They went down and sat in the living room.

"They look perfect, don't they?" Owen chuckled. He felt like he had made a fool of himself by asking Paul out. Paul and Jeremy are the perfect couple.

"No, my brother is nice and Jeremy is just a horrible person." Mia said. "You know, Paul even lied to me that Jeremy was the one that kicked him out. He came clean an hour later out of guilt. He is just.." Mia stopped. "He's perfect."

"And I'm guessing you are not?" Owen chuckled. "I'm a mess. I mean, look at Paul. He is just a perfect man." Mia pouted.

"He asked me if I wanted to date you. But he had no idea I'd been madly in love with him for four years. There was one time, before Alan was born or even planned, that Paul and Jeremy were separated. I slept with Paul back then. Then Paul thought it was a mistake and begged Jeremy to take him back." Owen's face turned sad.

"Paul is lucky to have you. Jeremy does not deserve him." Mia said. "Can I hug you?" Mia reached in. Owen nodded. Owen suddenly realized that maybe if he can't be with Paul, Mia is a good replacement after all.

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