Chapter 01. Wisconsin 2019

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Mia, is now a 36 year-old secretary and she is coming back to Wisconsin. Because her mother just passed away and she inherited the inn to her and her obnoxious brother, Paul.

Paul had become a fashion designer and a great one. He just sold one of his clothing lines for a million dollars.

Mia feels like a failure everytime she meets Paul, so she has stopped seeing him since she hit 30. Paul still bugs her with video calls and he wanted to visit Mia in Chicago so many times.

But, she is ashamed of her one bedroom apartment and she never really had a good career. She barely had a descent enough boyfriend to bring during the holidays.

Paul had been so nice to her the handful of times they met the past couple years. But he is just so perfect that Mia is just angry at him.

Paul has a handsome husband; his husband is a model and a very hot one. They got married in 2015, when gay marriage was legal. They have a son from Paul's husband, Jeremy.

Paul really just missed his big sister; he actually cried to Mia a hundred times because he feels like Mia is pushing him away. And he is right because Mia can't stand looking at the brother that is looking up at her seeing her fail in life.

But there is not way out now, she will be with Paul for a while because Paul decided that he will also stay for a few weeks to see the inn, too.

He most likely will boss Mia around, because he always has some specific taste. And it's good taste; it's just annoying to do that for her little brother.

But, little Paul is no longer little anymore.

Mia sighed as she stood upon the door. Paul said that he was already there two hours ago. So, Mia will get smothered with Paul's love as she enters the door.

And really, Paul missed her like crazy; she just does not like to get close to Paul. It just reminded her how much of a failure she was compared to her brother.

Mia finally gathered all her courage and opened the door to the inn. A very handsome man stands in the reception area, with luggage. He looked like some big shot from the big city.

"Hello!" The man smiled at Mia. "Hey.." Mia smiled too. "Checking in too?" He pointed at her luggage. "No.. Um.. Anyone helped you yet?" Mia asked.

"Oh! Someone did! I'm waiting for him to get back." He said in a happy tone. "I booked this holiday vacation four months ago, then my girlfriend broke up with me two months ago. So, now I am here, alone.." The man still smiling.

"I will look for the man and checked you in." Mia left her luggage and go behind the counter. "What is your name, Sir?" Mia asked. "Owen Harrelson. You can call me Owen." Owen smiled.

"Okay, let me checked." Mia looked on the old computer her mom has. Paul already gave her a laptop and an iPad, but she said it was too complicated for her.

She got divorced from their father when Mia was 17 and remarried two years later. But Mia was never close to her step-father, George.

Paul is close with George because George accepted him better when he came out. Besides, Mia had moved to Chicago by the time that her mom remarried to George.

Paul followed her to Chicago a year after Mia went there for college. Paul only spent a year with George, but he became closer to George after his coming out when he was 19.

Mia knew her brother was gay since she was 16. Paul told her. But, Paul was always scared of their dad knowing that.

Paul loves girly stuff since he was a kid, and yes, he is that kind of gay - not stereotyping. He loves to put on Mia's make-up in secret.

Mia typing the name and found the reservation. So, she grabbed one of the keys, and handed it over; suddenly Paul came out behind her with a polished looks.

"Hello, sis!" Paul hugged her from behind. "Hey.. Um there is a guest here.." Mia smiled nervously.

"I know! Owen is my neighbor in New York!" Paul smiled. "Look, I am here 24 hours a day for you, Owen.." Paul added a wink.

"Oh, I know you will. You told me a hundred times already. And I am here for you, okay? I know it's rough for you. And you have been such a sweetheart after I had my break-up. But I want to put this luggage for now. Then I am all yours!" Owen smiled. "Wait here, okay?"

"Of course!" Paul smiled. "And nice to finally meet you, Mia. Your brother always talked about you." Owen threw a wink at Mia. He climbed the stairs after that.

"Mom death was rough with you, I am sure.." Mia turned around and hugged Paul. "Well, that but also, Jeremy and I are getting a divorce." Paul smiled bitterly. "And you didn't tell me?" Mia is a little offended by it.

"Well, you are not exactly wants me to be close to you.." Paul sniffled. "What did I do that made you keep your distance from me? I missed you every single day.." Paul rubbed his eyes.

"It's not you, Paul.. I just.." Mia sighed. She should be there for Paul. "That's what Jeremy said too. But he is kicking me out of our house. I did nothing wrong.." Paul's tears flooded his cheeks now.

"Oh, Paul.. I'm sorry.. I just.. I feel like a loser when I am with you, okay?" Mia sighed. "Really, not your fault.." "I feel like I messed up my relationship with everyone.." Paul cried.

"Hey.. I love you.. And I will be here for you.." Mia kissed her brother's cheek. "Great! Because I am moving here too!" Paul said it happily while his tears still in his cheeks.

"Wait, what?!" Mia said it in shock.

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