Chapter 03. New York 2019

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"What do you mean, he knew?" Mandy asked. The young lady that Paul knew as their surrogate looked pale.

"He knew about us. He is serving me divorce papers with no spousal support. Then they attached the picture of us in the back. I signed a prenup.. " Jeremy sighed.

"So you are poor now?" Mandy raised her voice. "Why are you so mad at me? This affair was your idea!" Jeremy stood up. He had enough.

Jeremy had been together with Paul for eight years, and he screwed up his relationship with Paul so horribly. Paul had helped him so much during these eight years.

They had Alan six months ago, and Mandy started to contact Jeremy again three months ago. She just broke up with her longtime boyfriend.

And Jeremy wants to be good to the person who brought him and Paul, their son, to this world. But when they ended up having an affair, Jeremy knew he had messed up.

But he didn't expect that Paul would act as if it was nothing and leave the divorce papers on the kitchen table. Jeremy knew he had made a huge mistake, but he wished he could fix this. Jeremy is bisexual, but that is not why he had an affair.

Many bisexuals stay monogamous, and he did stay monogamous with Paul for almost eight years. He messed up badly, but he knew that.

But he thought that Paul would give him a chance to talk and explain. But he knew he was stupid for expecting that. Jeremy will be a single father if he signs the divorce papers.

So, Jeremy did what he could for now. Break up with Mandy and pack the bags and bring Alan in a trip to Wisconsin, so he can beg for Paul's forgiveness.

He planned his sudden trip to Green Bay after looking at that pile of divorce papers. He paid a lot for the trip because it was the holiday season, and while Jeremy knew that he would be having financial problems, he didn't care.

He flew to Green Bay with their six-month-old son. Alan has been calm so far, but this will be Alan's first trip with a plane ever. But when the flight took off, Alan started to get fuzzy.

Then a full-on tantrum after half an hour on the flight. Jeremy had to apologize to everyone for Alan's tantrum. A middle-aged mother helped Jeremy to calm Alan down.

Jeremy said thank you to her like a million times. She just smiled and said that Alan was the cutest baby. Jeremy never thought that Alan's first trip by flight would be without Paul.

This is also the first time Alan will be in Wisconsin. There was a lot of Alan's first that Paul missed on this sudden trip, but this trip had to be done. Jeremy will not just give up without trying.

Jeremy drove to the inn as soon as he landed. But he doesn't know how Paul will react because he knows Paul hated him and he hurt Paul. He just hoped that Alan would soften the anger.

He just hoped that Paul would forgive him somehow. As he pulled into the inn, he saw Owen and Paul getting cozy. Jeremy sighed. He knew Paul had a crush on Owen.

Maybe Paul is better with Owen, which crushed Jeremy heart. But, Alan need his papa. Jeremy sighed again then he got out of the car and took Alan out with him.

He took a deep breath before he approached Paul. He slowly walks towards Paul, who is hugging Owen.

"Paul.." Jeremy called out to Paul. "Alan is here for his papa." Jeremy pulled out his biggest smile as Paul turned to see him and their baby. It hurts Jeremy to fake that smile.

"Why are you here?" Paul gives a judged look. "Paul, I made a mistake. But, Alan needs you." Jeremy tried to hold back his tears.

"A mistake? You called a two-month-long affair a mistake." Paul looked at Jeremy. "I'm going to go.." Owen kissed Paul's cheek and stood up. "I don't want to be in the middle of this. I'm sorry." Owen smiled.

"I understand.." Paul smiled and let Owen go. After Owen walked away, Paul hesitantly let Jeremy sit next to him. Alan reached out to Paul, so he took him from Jeremy.

"Paul, I know that my mistake is unforgivable. But think about Alan, please?" Jeremy pleaded. "Why did you do that?" Paul asked. "Why are you here?"

"I don't know, Paul. I just want to talk to you." Jeremy looked down. "About what? About how you hurt me? Or about how sorry you are that you got caught? " Paul asked.

"About how stupid I am and how sorry I am for this mistake." Jeremy sighed. "I want to fix this.." "Fix it?" Paul chuckled. "You were cheating on me for two months with our surrogate."

"Paul, I have been with you for eight years. I made a mistake. " Jeremy rubbed his eyes. His tears flooded out now. "Jeremy?" Mia sneaked in from behind them. "I thought you were getting divorced, and now you're with Owen."Mia raised her eyebrows.

"Are you enjoying this?" Paul turned around. "Enjoying seeing my marriage crash and burn? You don't even want to attend our wedding. I bet you love seeing this mess, right? " It was Paul's turn to cry now. He took Owen and walked to the main house. Leaving Jeremy with Mia.

Jeremy just looked down and then chased Paul. "Paul! Wait! Alan's stuff is still in the car! "

Mia rolled her eyes and turned back to the inn. She hated Jeremy because he always looked so perfect. As Mia headed back to the inn, he bumped into someone she knew.

"Mia?" The gentleman was stopping Mia. "Josh.." Mia blinked to make sure it was real.

"I work across the street. My souvenir shop is there." Josh smiled. "Oh.." Mia smiled and nodded.

"See you around?" Josh smiled. "See you.." Mia walked away.

Josh was her first love, but he moved on after she moved to Chicago. Josh has a pretty wife and three kids, it's just give Mia a lot of pain.

She always feels like such a failure, and this kind of thing makes her feel worse. Seeing Paul with his cute son, Alan, is just adding salt to her wounds. She ran to the bathroom and cried there.

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