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Shouta was really mad at Y/N the entire way back home. He was commenting consistently while she was on the phone to Tsukauchi to tell him what had transpired. And even though Tsukauchi had told Y/N she had done a good job, seeing Shouta still in his cat form and seeing how angry and frustrated he was about it made her feel all kinds of bad. She hated it when he was mad at her. And this was absolutely her fault - she should have been faster, she should have had a better plan, she should have had better people skills. The guy didn't run away when it was just Shouta who was there.

So the whole way home she was feeling pretty bad and Shouta was also not talking to her. He barely even looked at her and when he did, he just looked incredibly disappointed with her. It was kind of heartbreaking, because all this time she had gotten very dependent on Shouta's approval at all times. It probably also had something to do with the way he used to be her old high school teacher and getting his approval was kind of her MO. There was just something about him being disappointed in her that hit especially hard and Y/N felt like absolute shit.

So they were both just sulking individually on their way home and they were both way too cold, too. Even when they got into the apartment (which was rather early, because Tsukauchi told them they could call it a day), they didn't really talk to each other. Well, talk was a big word, since Shouta didn't really talk per se, but there was still a really awkward silence in the room.

Y/N locked herself up in the bathroom and got a hot shower, trying to somehow warm up at least a little, which worked pretty well until the water turned cold on her, because she had used up all the hot water she had. With a sigh she got out of the shower, dried herself off and put on some warm cuddly pyjamas. She really was sorry about how badly she had fucked up, but she really wished that Shouta and her would just be friends again, because this was just torture.

The apartment was cold as usual when she came out of the bathroom which wasn't a great combination with her being cold from her shower already. But there was nothing she could do about it. She just had to somehow push through the cold and huddle up under a blanket and hope that she'd be warm. Y/N looked around to see whether she could find Shouta anywhere in the apartment. She really wanted to at least try to make some sort of peace with him, before crawling into bed and watching some videos on her phone until she fell asleep or something.

"Shouta? Are you around somewhere?" Y/N called out, still shivering in her pyjamas. She tried to be as quiet as she could to see if she could hear anything. Shouta liked to hide when he was upset with her. It wasn't easy to hear, but after a short while Y/N thought she could hear the jingle of the bell around his collar. It was coming from behind the couch - his usual hiding spot.

Y/N didn't wait long, before just walking up to the couch and looking behind it to find Shouta squeezed in behind the couch, still giving her an accusatory look. She sighed and sat down in front of him, looking at him. She would have to apologize or something. It felt weird apologizing to a cat, but there was no other way. She really didn't want to go to bed without cuddles from him.

"Shouta. I'm honestly sorry. I didn't have a plan and things didn't go well earlier and I know that means you'll be stuck in this form for a little longer and I'm genuinely sorry about that. Okay? But can we please stop this whole silent treatment thing? Because I really am not having fun right now." Y/N said to him. Shouta narrowed his eyes at her and meowed quietly. He was still grumpy.

"I know, I know. I fucked up. We should have had a plan. I'm really sorry. I'll get you some really nice fish tomorrow, okay? To make up for it. I just want to be friends again. Please?" she replied. She honestly was feeling a little pathetic, begging for his forgiveness like this. But then again, he wasn't actually a cat. He was actually a person and this was a difficult situation for him and she had just fucked up his chance to return to normality. Which was pretty bad. She'd be upset, too.

Shouta was giving her a long hard look until he finally moved out from behind the couch until he was sitting in front of her and got up on his hind paws, pressing one paw to her nose. Y/N smiled. They always did that when they upset each other and wanted to make up. This was basically their gesture of peace and Y/N absolutely loved it. She felt like she was going to cry any second now.

She took Shouta's paws in her own and helped him to get back down without falling and hurting himself, before booping his nose gently. Shouta didn't move away as he sometimes did when she randomly booped his nose, but he rubbed his head against her hand. Y/N thought her heart was going to burst. Thank God, they were talking again. If he had still been mad at her, it would have been killing her.

"Thanks, Shou. I'm glad we're friends again. We'll get him next time, okay? At least we know what area he's spending a lot of time in. That's gotta be something, right?" she said. She could hear the relief dripping from her own voice when she said it. Shouta just gave her an encouraging meow, before curling up in her lap. Y/N had to really restrain herself to not start squealing immediately. Why was he being so damn adorable right now? Maybe it was just the relief, but Y/N just couldn't believe how lucky she was to have this cat... uh, this guy living with her. She was head over heels.

"Well, what do you wanna do now? We can watch a movie, we can binge that show we started last night or we could just watch some videos on Youtube. Whatever you want." Y/N suggested. Shouta looked up at her with one eye open, as if he couldn't even be bothered to stay awake talking to her. Normally, Y/N would have been annoyed but right now she was just so glad that they were happy again and talking again and weren't arguing anymore. This wasn't a given, sometimes Shouta was mad at her for several days. It had absolutely happened before.

Finally Shouta gave her three meows which meant that he was going for the last option. Random Youtube videos. Probably the best while cuddled up in bed and trying to warm up before falling asleep. Not that Shouta had any sort of trouble falling asleep. Y/N nodded quickly and picked Shouta up, who protested quietly at being awoken so suddenly, but just let it happen at this point. Y/N went to carry him to her bedroom and put him down again on the bed, so he could get comfortable again, as she was putting on a thick pair of socks and tied up her wet hair.

"Right, so what do you want to watch? Some vines and memes or some cat videos or a true crime documentary or some stuff about cults? Or history documentaries? Whatever you want, Shou, today you get to decide." Y/N asked him, before crawling under the blanket and setting up her phone. Shouta gave her a weary look, before meowing lazily. Seemed like he couldn't really be bothered either way. Figured.

"Well, you have to tell me what you want. I know you don't like when we watch documentaries, but I'm always up for them, so you better make a decision right fucking now or we're binging some conspiracy channel." Y/N replied. Shouta gave her nothing more but a long meow. Well, that decided it. She knew exactly what he wanted, but he wasn't going to give her the time of day.

"Right, right, right. Cat videos, it is. Honestly, I would have thought that you'd get sick of seeing cats at this point, but I guess you really, really do like them. Cuddle up, so, here we go. One hour of cat videos." she sighed, waiting for Shouta to drag himself over to her and curl up on her lap again. Tomorrow was another day and they would try again to find the guy. Until then, they could enjoy this.

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