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Y/N hated getting up late. Actually, she loved sleeping in, staying in bed a little longer and not getting out of bed as soon as her alarm rang. But she really hated having to rush in the morning, too. She hated realizing that she barely had any time left before work and that she had to wolf down her breakfast and get dressed and get all her things, without forgetting anything important in the process.

It was awful and every time Y/N did it, she promised herself it would never happen again. Usually it happened again the next morning. Having Shouta there helped with that, of course, but once it got colder, he wasn't as keen on heading out to go on patrol either, which was understandable, really. It only led to a few mornings where Y/N really had to rush (and a few where she had almost forgotten to feed Shouta).

Like this morning. This morning was a prime example of exactly what Y/N hated about staying in bed a little longer, because that's what she had done and now she was trying to get into her hero costume while at the same time brushing her teeth, which obviously didn't work out too well, because she only just woke up. In the meantime Shouta was sitting next to the door, meowing loudly, because he was hungry.

"Yeah, yeah, I'll goet yoo foo in a shecon." Y/N tried to say. It was difficult to communicate when she had a toothbrush in her mouth. And she also didn't manage to survive this without an accident - the accident being some toothpaste stains on her hero costume. Well, she didn't have time to take care of that right now, so she just rolled her eyes and quickly finished brushing her teeth and putting on some deodorant, before tying up her hair, so it wasn't in her way all the time.

"Fuck, Shouta, I'm on my way, just fucking wait, okay? Let me finish one thing, alright?!" she yelled as she finally finished getting dressed. Time to get Shouta his breakfast and make her own breakfast. She'd have to eat on the way with how things were going. And Shouta better eat really fast or they'd be late for the train and then they would have wasted some valuable minutes that they could have gone home earlier.

There was another annoyed meow as she quickly ran past him to get to the kitchen, only realizing on the way that she would have to put on some socks, too, before she went outside for a full day's work. But she'd get those on the way to getting her keys and wallet and everything else she needed on the way. If she could remember. Otherwise she'd be freezing her toes off, but then it would be her own fault..

Y/N stumbled into the kitchen and more or less tore open the fridge to get to the portion of meat she had set aside for Shouta. At this point he was taking over half her fridge and she was a little resentful, because having a cat was expensive. And then he also took over so much of her space, which she already had very little of. It was more than a little annoying, but every time she wanted to be mad at Shouta, she looked at him and realized that he was actually just an adorable little creature that could never knowingly harm anyone in the world. Which was a lie, of course, but it was getting more and more difficult to differentiate between Shouta as her old high school teacher in cat form and Shouta the cat. Honestly, they were strikingly similar anyway.

Not that her old high school teacher was walking around in between her legs and purring or anything, or that he had been annoying her for food, but the general mannerisms were kind of the same and somehow Y/N wasn't really surprised that they hadn't realized him turning into a cat for such a long time. He was literally a human cat. It wasn't even a theory or anything, Y/N just knew it. He was the personification of a cat. Grumpy, liked to be alone, laid back, sleeping all the time. A cat.

Maybe that's also why she found it difficult to remember that he was a cat when she looked down and saw him, rubbing his head against her leg. He was the most adorable cat and Y/N knew it would only last until she had actually given him his breakfast, but it was still sweet. Almost as sweet as the way he loved cuddles and head pats and scratches behind his ears and sitting on her laptop charger, because it was the only warm thing in the whole entire apartment.

"Alright, alright, here you go..." Y/N mumbled as she put the meat she had saved up into Shouta's bowl. He happily ran over there and started digging in, probably not even thinking of how much Y/N was sacrificing to give him such good food. Either way, it wasn't like she was begrudging him that food. He was a good companion and he deserved to get some proper food.

Y/N sighed when she checked her fridge again. She was sure that she used to have another slice of ham to make a ham and cheese sandwich, but apparently she had given that to Shouta yesterday or something. Well, it looked like she would only have a cheese sandwich today and she didn't know what to do about tomorrow. Maybe she shouldn't have spent that money she had found on a fancy coffee and should have used it for something more sensible instead.

But now it was too late. She grabbed the bread, the cheese and some mayonnaise and quickly threw together a sandwich. It didn't really matter, anyway, because Y/N was really fucking hungry. She couldn't wait to finally dig in and eat that damn sandwich, but first she had to get all her stuff. And her socks. She couldn't forget the socks or she might as well die out there.

Unfortunately, while she was on her way to her bedroom, she stumbled over something which she noticed way too late was Shouta. He wasn't happy and he let her know just how unhappy he was by screeching loudly and jumping back, hissing at her, as if she was the literal devil. And Y/N felt incredibly bad almost immediately. Poor Shouta. It was all her fault. She tried to walk over to him to give him a hug, but he wasn't letting her anywhere near him whatsoever.

"Oh my God. I am so sorry, Shou. I'm so, so sorry. Seriously, though, you gotta announce your presence. You've no problem doing it any other time of the day." she said to him with a glance at the time. Shit. She really had to get going. No time to profusely apologize to Shouta right now. She'd have to do it on the way. And she had to find a way to avoid this from happening again.

It would be kind of handy to know where the hell he was anyway, because half the time he was just hiding in some corner and Y/N had trouble finding him whenever she needed him for something. Or when she wanted to watch a movie with him and he was just hiding out somewhere instead of cooperating with her. But that wasn't really an emergency, so she hadn't really done anything about it. But maybe now was the time to think of something to avoid that in the future.

With a sigh, Y/N continued into her bedroom, grabbing whatever useful things she could find and stuffing them in her pockets and the small bags attached to her hero costume and making her way back to the living room until she remembered that she still had to put on socks. So she quickly went back, almost slipped and fell, and grabbed a pair of socks, which she put on while hopping out of the room to try and look for Shouta. Whether he was sulking or not, he better be coming with her on patrol, otherwise she'd be kind of bummed out for the rest of the day.

"Shou? Come on, let's head out! I'm really sorry I accidentally walked into you. Seriously. From the bottom of my heart. But you have to stop sulking, because we need to get to work to get you turned back into a human. That'll make it much harder to accidentally stumble over you, alright?" Y/N called out to him, as she put on her boots and grabbed the sandwich from the kitchen counter. She heard an accusatory meow from somewhere and she immediately felt bad again, but she had her priorities right now. She put on her gloves and bit into her sandwich.

"Come on, you're gonna make us late!" she yelled before opening the door and waiting for the black cat to head outside with her.

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