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Shouta Aizawa figured that this was a rather normal day. He wasn't sure why he had such a need to confirm this to himself right now, but whatever it was, he needed to tell himself that today was just a day like any other. Nothing special, nothing strange happening. Just a normal, regular day, where everything was as usual and nothing weird was about to happen. For some reason it was important to him.

Sure, Shouta was a little sleepier than usual, but that could easily be explained by him doing overtime so his former student didn't have to. He had felt sorry for the girl, but right now he was only feeling sorry for himself. Because he was already tired all the time, but this little episode had set his sleep schedule back even more. Plus, he was hit by that Quirk and he wasn't sure whether it had any effect on him or not. Probably not, but who knew. Quirks were getting weird these days.

It was kind of weird that he had met Y/N of all people. He had just been thinking about her a few days ago - not in a weird way. Sometimes some of his old students just randomly popped into his head and he wondered what they were up to at the moment, how they were doing. And a few days ago that had happened to him with Y/N and then he had met her randomly.

Y/N L/N had been an odd one when it came to students. The moment he looked at her he would have thought she'd be one of those loud people that would just about manage to pass his classes. One of those people that he couldn't stand, but that seemed to somehow get on well with him. But Y/N was... different. He got the feeling that she could have been like that, she just didn't have the energy for it. Or she was too lazy to be a troublemaker. So she just had this strangely annoying aura while being fairly laid back. Always caught up in some daydream.

He was somewhat surprised that she was still doing hero work. Somehow he almost expected half of his student to go for some different career after high school, because if he was being honest, hero work just wasn't for everyone. It was tough and it took ages until it paid well. And Y/N had always struck him as someone that would be way too lazy to work her way up.

But maybe he had been wrong about her. Maybe she wasn't that bad. She seemed quite pleasant when he had met her last night. For a few moments his mind had been lingering on how she definitely looked quite different now, much more mature and even pretty cute (although he quickly pushed that thought out of his head, since that was probably just his sleep deprived brain talking).

Either way, he was glad he got to see her again. And he was going to see her this afternoon at the police station. If he even managed to stay awake for this long. Honestly, Shouta felt exceptionally tired. If he managed to teach even one class today, it would be a good day. It would be a phenomenal achievement, in fact. But so far he still had to arrive to class and it was proving difficult. The temptation to just get into his sleeping bag and curl up somewhere in the middle of the hallway was pretty strong.

But he couldn't do that. There were a bunch of students waiting for him and he didn't want to imagine what a bunch of 15 year olds with very powerful Quirks would do to the place if they were left unsupervised for too long. It seemed difficult to imagine, but Shouta had been that age, too. A long, long time ago. He knew what it was like to be 15 and bored with everything (although he didn't know what it was like to be full of energy). Either way, he didn't want to make them wait too long.

He turned the corner of the hallway and continued down until he arrived at the door to his classroom. Seven minutes late. Well, he had been worse. Considering how badly he wanted to sleep, that definitely wasn't too bad. He wished he'd just be able to give them something to do, so he could go back to sleep, but unfortunately that wasn't on the schedule today. They were supposed to be training and that meant Shouta had to actually stay awake and watch them.

Which really sucked. Maybe he'd get away with dozing off a little. Just a little when they were busy. Surely nothing would happen, right? They were 15 after all and not like... 10. Damn it, all Shouta wanted was a nap. Twenty minutes, maybe half an hour. Why was it so difficult to find the time for that? And why the hell was he so damn sleepy today? It was a little excessive, he had to admit.

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