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Taking days off work because he was turning into a cat due to the effects of a Quirk was embarrassing for Shouta Aizawa, but it wasn't the end of the world. Things like that happened and he would get over it and everything would be fine. It wasn't really something to be ashamed of or anything. That absolutely wasn't the issue here, not at all. There was, however, another issue.

And that issue was Y/N. Generally, Shouta had no problem with her, because he liked her, she was pretty cute and he remembered that she had quite some talent, if she really put in the effort. But it was beyond embarrassing that she was seeing him in this state, but that still wasn't the worst. Oh no. The worst was that she was here trying to help him get back to his human state.

And if that didn't happen in time she'd have to take care of him and that honestly sounded like Shouta's worst nightmare. He didn't think that Y/N was incompetent or anything, but he also felt a little uncomfortable about being in a possibly weakened state (that was embarrassing as hell no less) and being completely in the hands of another person that he didn't even know that well.

It really wasn't ideal, but what else could he do? Once he had turned fully into a cart, how long would he be able to live alone in his apartment? It wouldn't be for too long, that much was sure. So he needed someone to take care of him, he just wished it wasn't a 23-year-old that used to be his student. It just seemed like a somewhat grotesque situation... but then he also didn't want Nemuri or Hizashi to do the same thing. He felt that it might be a little less embarrassing if someone that was basically a stranger took care of him. After all, what were the chances of them ever meeting again, right?

It was still weird. And the thing was, Shouta was turning more and more into a cat every single day. It seemed like the process had been speeding up ever since he had grown the ears and whiskers and all that. He was already shrinking and he had grown a tail. A tail. Shouta was sure that - should he have children and grandchildren someday - this would be a fun story to tell, but right now it just felt like torture.

Another thing that felt like torture was that Y/N had moved into his apartment for practical reasons. If he turned into a cat overnight, he couldn't let anyone know that he needed help, so now Y/N was around him basically 24 hours a day, 7 days a week until this issue was resolved. It was weird to have someone else move in so suddenly, especially someone that was seven years younger than him.

Shouta had never thought that he was with the young people or that he understood them, but he didn't really understand how out of touch he was with the younger generation. It was bad. Y/N was living here for less than a week and he already wasn't sure what she was talking about half the week. She seemed pretty happy about the change of scenery, mostly because his apartment was apparently not freezing.

It seemed like being an independent hero was much more of a hassle these days, than it had been back in Shouta's days. At least he had always had money to heat the apartment a little bit. But he knew that rents had gone up wildly and pretty much anything cost more than it used to. It just didn't really bother him that much anymore, since he was making a decent amount of money.

The other problem was that Y/N was admittedly hot. Shouta had short-term girlfriends and one night stands sleeping over from time to time, but he didn't have someone living in his place that was actually cute and witty and interesting and made fun conversation and really good coffee and wasn't as annoying as he thought she would be and... they didn't have some sort of thing going on. It was a whole new experience and Shouta wasn't quite sure what to do with it.

The sleeping arrangements were odd, because he had offered her the bed to be nice, but after a few days she had started feeling bad about it and demanded to stay on the couch for a few days. Shouta wasn't going to complain about it, because the couch was nice, but it wasn't ideal for a longer time. And then they started developing this weird system of switching every few days which led to Shouta finding all kinds of stuff around the place. Literally everything.

Y/N wasn't the most orderly person and she left her stuff everywhere. Shouta had found bras hanging on door handles, he had found shirts that were big and oversized on Y/N, which led to him accidentally wearing them at times (especially since he was getting smaller which also was an issue), he had found single use razors and all kinds of hygiene products around the place. It was awful. Shouta liked having some sort of order around him and this was just driving him crazy.

Y/N didn't seem to mind. Y/N didn't seem to mind anything at all. She was just here, living her best life and she didn't even seem to mind if she left her underwear all over the place. Or her socks. She just shrugged it off. Shouta would never understand how she was so easy-going about all of this. He was doing his best to make sure to never let her see anything she wasn't supposed to see, but then again... maybe he was just old-fashioned. Shouta wouldn't know.

And he surely wouldn't ask anyone else about it. As far as he was concerned, no one was supposed to know about this, especially not Hizashi or Nemuri. If they ever heard of this, Shouta would never live it down. The only person besides him and Tsukauchi that knew about what was going on was Principal Nezu, because he kind of needed to know. He needed to find someone to replace him at U.A. But apart from that, Shouta was trying to keep this under wraps as much as possible.

He glanced over at Y/N, who was stretched out on the couch, scrolling on her phone. She seemed slightly bored and slightly amused at the same time, but she didn't seem unhappy. Shouta was honestly worried that she'd be unhappy here. After all, he knew that he wasn't the most interesting person in the world and he knew it. And he knew that he could get really grumpy, too. Normally he wouldn't worry, but for one Y/N was the one that had to take care of him when he turned into a cat and he was also hoping that maybe... maybe he could ask her out after all of this was over.

"Anything wrong?" she suddenly asked him. She was leaning so far back on the couch that her head was upside down, her smile lopsided. Shouta was trying not to look at her legs too long.

"No, nothing. I was just thinking." he said.

"You do a lot of thinking, huh? Hear anything from Tsukauchi yet?" Y/N wanted to know. Shouta sighed. He wished he had heard something from Tsukauchi, but there was no such luck. It seemed like this guy who had hit him with his Quirk had just disappeared off the face of the earth. He probably knew all along that he had fucked up and that people would come looking for him.

"Nothing so far. You might actually have to take care of me. I hope I won't be a huge hassle as a cat." Shouta said to her. The whole thing was already starting to give him a headache and he hadn't even fully turned into a cat yet.

"Oh, don't worry about it. It'll be fun, I'm sure."

Fun? What about that could possibly fun?

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