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Shouta thought that maybe today would be a normal day. Actually, he had really hoped for today to just be a normal regular day - a day like any other where he didn't feel weirdly tired or grumpy and where he wasn't able to do things he wasn't normally able to do. But it seemed like that was an empty hope.

It had all started when he had woken up and there was just the worst smell in the apartment. Honestly, Shouta wasn't sure what that was, but it seemed to be coming from the bins. Not too unusual. Sure, he had only just taken them out last night, but maybe something else was in there that had just gone bad or whatever. Either way, even after he had brought out the bins again, the smell just stuck with him for ages until he had left for work. He'd just have to eat later, because there was no way he would try eating with that damned rotting smell in his nose.

But even after he left his apartment it was just like everything was way more intense. Either everyone just smelled incredibly badly on his way to work today or something else was off. Shouta was slowly but surely getting sick of all this. Ever since that night when he got way too little sleep, things had been off and it was almost like it was something else each and every day.

And it wasn't just the smells that were more intense. It was like every movement, even out of the corner of Shouta's eyes, was way more intense and like he was focussing on every little thing that was moving. As if he was completely unable to blend out anything. And honestly, it was causing him a massive headache.

Maybe that was what was wrong - maybe he was getting one hell of a migraine. One that might actually put him out of commission for a few days. Shouta did get those kinds of migraines at times. It didn't happen a lot, but every other year he would just be in incredible pain for about three days because of an insane migraine attack.

Him being able to smell way better than usual would be a good indicator for that and also the way he was more moody and more tired than usual. Him hissing at All Might did not make sense in any context, but that only happened once and it wasn't too difficult to just explain that away. Plus, he was also having trouble with hearing everything way too loudly and it annoyed him.

It was almost as if everyone was screaming their conversations into his ears. It was already quite aggravating when he was on his way to work, but once he set foot into the school building it was like torture. Of course none of the kids would think about him having a terrible pre-migraine day.

And they were loud. They were so damn loud. If he thought that his commute was bad this was the definition of hell. No, actually. This was worse than hell. Everything was just so loud, there was movement all over the place and the amount of terrible smells that were hanging in the air... it just wasn't fun.

Shouta had the urge to just turn around, run off and hide in some small enclosed space, where there was only one direction he would have to see anything. But big enough for him to sleep in. He had never understood better than today why cats loved boxes so much. He honestly wished that he had a box he could crawl into right now. But unfortunately he'd have to teach.

Sometimes Shouta wondered why he was the person that had to teach all these little brats. He didn't even know why he had let Nemuri and Hizashi talk him into this. Of course, he cared about all the kids and he wanted them to succeed, but he never thought that he was good as a teacher or anything. Why he hadn't been fired yet was completely beyond him. With the way he was acting, he was honestly surprised. It was almost like he was trying to get fired.

But he was glad this job was paying the bills. He wasn't sure how else he would survive if he didn't have his teaching job. Sure, being a hero paid well enough, but as an underground hero it wasn't that easy to stay afloat. It was far from the glamorous lifestyle of all the popular heroes. Not that Shouta minded.

He was never a fan of all the fame and fortune that came with being a well-known hero. He wasn't good at all the media stuff, he hated being the center of attention, all he wanted was for people to leave him alone. When he first started out at U.A. he wasn't even sure whether he had made the right decision trying to get into the hero course. But he had gotten in and it seemed dumb to just quit right away.

But he had always been struggling with whether he actually wanted to do this or not. He had been struggling with it until Oboro had come in and encouraged him to just go through with it. But that still didn't make him good with the press or make him more of a people person. But it didn't matter now. Shouta had become a hero and he had to live with that and he had become a teacher and he had to live with that, too.

"Hey, Shouta!" he suddenly heard an extremely loud voice calling out to him. Shouta winced at the sound and almost shrunk back, because of how loud everything was and especially how loud Hizashi was being.

"Please shut up or be at least a little more quiet..." Shouta grumbled, as he watched Hizashi approaching. As much as Hizashi was normally giving him a headache, today it was especially bad. It wasn't just that he was loud (and louder than normal today), but it was also that Shouta could smell the ridiculous amount of hair spray in Hizashi's hair and he felt like he was going to suffocate from that.

"Still grumpy?" Hizashi asked with a big grin. He was a little quieter now, but still way too loud. And that hairdo was an absolute eyesore and why the hell did he need to use so much damn hairspray? Shouta wouldn't have been surprised if Hizashi was solely responsible for global warming with the amount of hair spray he was using.

"I'm not... look, I'm just not feeling too good, okay?" Shouta replied, stopping himself from giving out to Hizashi just in time.

"You haven't been feeling too good for a few days now, are you sure everything is okay?" Hizashi wanted to know. He looked very concerned and Shouta was slightly annoyed, but he was more touched that Hizashi would worry about him like that, even though he was being a bitch.

"I don't know. I feel like something is off. I think it might be a bad migraine coming on, but usually that's only for one day, before the pain starts. It's been like three days now." Shouta answered.

"Oh, damn. One of the bad ones again?" Hizashi wanted to know. Shouta nodded. Hizashi was very aware of his migraine attacks, because when he was in his apartment feeling like he was dying it was Hizashi that usually made sure that he didn't die. He went out and got him his medication, got him food, made sure he stayed hydrated. He was probably much better at keeping track of his migraine attacks than Shouta was.

"I think it's going to be one of the worst I've ever had. If that's what it is. I feel like I can hear every little conversation. Everything is loud as hell and everything is just... much more intense than it should be. It's making me sick." Shouta replied. Hizashi gave him a concerned look.

"Why don't you just take the day off then? It's probably stress related or something. You always get these when you're really, really stressed out and you never take a break. That's why they keep coming back, I'm telling you." he told him. Shouta shook his head. Taking a day off? What good would that do him? He'd just be stuck at home, bored and sleeping the day away and feeling terrible about not being productive. No fucking way would he take a day off.

"No, I'll be fine. I'll take a break when the migraine attack kicks in. I have stuff to do today." he muttered. Shouta realized that this sounded bad and like exactly the thing a workaholic would say, but he couldn't really be bothered. He really had stuff to do. He was a little behind on his curriculum with class 1-A because he had been so tired lately and he needed to catch up. Whether Hizashi liked it or not.

"You're impossible, Shou."

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