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Y/N wasn't sure how long it had been until it finally happened. And she really hadn't been expecting it to happen when it did, but of course things were always like that. Sometimes Y/N wondered whether if she stopped expecting good things to happen, they might actually start happening to her. She always wanted to try it, but then it was a whole paradox in itself, because as soon as she stopped expecting good things to happen to her, wasn't she in a way expecting them at the same time?

She didn't know. Y/N would have to answer that question at another time, because right now she was way too tired and sleep-deprived to delve deeply into philosophical questions like that one. And she was at work - well... on her lunch break. She had gotten a sandwich for herself and some small treats for Shouta and now they were sitting on a park bench outside the shop (because the shop didn't allow animals inside) and were freezing their asses off, because it was cold.

Y/N was busy eating her sandwich and staring off into the distance when it happened. She wasn't sure what she had been thinking or what had caught her attention, but she noticed some movement out of the corner of her eye and that's when she saw him. At first she wasn't really sure whether it was him or not - it had been a good while since she had last seen him, after all. But then he seemed to look familiar enough and similar enough to the picture they had been shown.

This was the villain that had turned Shouta into a cat. Y/N wasn't even saying anything at first, mostly because she had no idea what to say. She just kept staring at the guy trying to process what was happening. What the hell was she supposed to do? Run at him and grab him and demand he stop the Quirk? Arrest him and bring him to the police station again? But on what grounds? She couldn't just randomly arrest someone, if anything he'd have to cooperate. And how the hell would they get him to cooperate? This was all such a huge mess...

Y/N finally snapped out of her trance and glanced down at Shouta who seemed pretty displeased with how cold it was outside. He was so busy trying to find a comfortable position on the ground that he didn't even notice her at first, but after she scratched his ears for a bit and then stopped, he noticed her alright. He looked up at her, as if she had just offended his entire family by stopping to scratch his ears. But this was important and Y/N couldn't help if that meant offending his entire family. She needed him to pay attention right fucking now or they might never spot the guy again.

"See the man over there looking into the window? Is that the guy we're looking for?" Y/N asked quietly. She nodded in the direction of the man and Shouta looked up there. He suddenly perked up, his ears flattening. He started hissing. Seemed like that was the man they were looking for. But Y/N couldn't approach him with a feral cat like that. That would be weird.

"Alright, calm down, Shou. What the hell do we do now? We can't arrest him for looking at a shop display. Any bright ideas, kitty cat?" she wanted to know. Shouta just meowed and shook his head. Y/N nodded slowly and looked back at the man they were watching. Thankfully, he hadn't moved on yet. And that's when an idea struck her that seemed pretty genius at the time.

"Right... Hey, why don't you just use your Quirk on him right now? That should just cancel out the effects of his Quirk, shouldn't it?" Y/N suggested. Shouta looked up at her and gave her an annoyed meow. Oh yeah. Right. He was currently a cat and he couldn't use his Quirk like that. Well, that was quite the conundrum, wasn't it? They just had to slowly approach this villain and try to talk some sense into him it seemed. Which kind of sucked, because they had arrested him a few weeks ago.

"Okay... okay... what do you suggest we do then?" Y/N asked. Shouta got up, stretched and started slowly walking towards the shop window the man was standing in front of. Y/N stared at him and then at the sandwich she was holding in her hands. Was he being serious right now? They hadn't even finished eating... well, she hadn't finished eating. Damn it. She quickly wolfed down the last few bites of her sandwich and then got up, following Shouta while still chewing her sandwich. If she choked and died from this, she was going to blame him.

Shouta quickly crossed the street and Y/N almost had a heart attack as she watched him easily dodging cars and everything else that was on the road while she was trying to at least follow the rules to a reasonable extent. Somehow Shouta made it over to the shop alive and all he did was sit down next to the man and look at the shop window in front of him. Y/N rolled her eyes. Of course she'd have to do all the talking. Shouta couldn't say anything more than 'meow'.

When she finally arrived at the shop window, the young man was bending down, smiling at Shouta while petting him. And Shouta seemed to be loving every minute of it, or at least he was good at pretending. Y/N could sense that he was mad at this guy, but he was playing along for her. Now it was up to her to make the best out of the situation. And if there was something that Y/N was especially bad at, it was making the best out of any situation that she was given.

"Shouta! Why do you always run off? Literally, you're making me worry so much!" Y/N called out to the cat as she was crossing the street. Shouta looked at her and she could see that this was not what he had in mind. But he was playing along, looking at her as if she had just caught his attention. She heard the young man laughing quietly, his eyes still fixed on Shouta.

"Oh sorry, I didn't know he was someone else's, he is the sweetest little thi-"

At that moment he looked up and stopped talking. Y/N knew what that was - he had recognized her. After all this time, he had recognized her and he was panicking. Y/N was panicking just the same, because she had no idea what to do now. She knew that he was going to try to run away and she didn't have a clue how to even try to stop him. It was pretty annoying.

"Stay where you are, please, this is not what it looks like..." she said, coming closer slowly. Shouta had walked up to her and was standing beside her now, as he was watching the villain carefully. This wasn't going to go well and Y/N knew it. She just knew that they would end up losing him.

He was shaking his head and then he started legging it. Y/N had no time to lose as she was running after him quickly, trying to catch up with him, but her legs were half frozen and that guy was fast. Shouta was following her at the same reckless speed, but she knew that there was no way they were going to catch this guy. From the way he was maneuvering through the streets she knew that he had to be extremely familiar with those roads and the neighbourhood.

"Come on, man! We just wanna talk, we're not here to arrest you!" she shouted after him, but she was already out of breath. He turned around a corner and by the time Y/N had turned the corner as well, all she could see was how he jumped over a wall and was gone. Y/N managed to stop just before she ran into the wall. She was wrecked. She was breathing heavily and she was frustrated.

She punched the wall weakly (which still hurt like hell) and leaned against it, as she was trying not to collapse. Shouta was hissing at the wall and then gave her an accusatory look. She had fucked up. She knew that she had fucked up, there was no need to get so up in her face about it. But it was frustrating. Y/N wished that they could have finally caught him after looking for him for so long.

"Well, Shou... At least we have an idea where he usually spends his time. Seems like he knew the area pretty well, so if we're going to find him again, it'll be around here I'd imagine."

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