13. This place means something to me

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It took Lexie three days to be back at hospital. Link, Jo and Jackson had all visited. Other than that she had seen no one from the hospital. Now she had her first physical therapy session in Seattle. She met with Dr. Holland and plan was she would meet her once a week, before she would go to her therapy session with Dr. Carr. After spending two and a half hours first trying to stand up with out support around her leg (and failing miserably) and then pretending to talk about how she felt after the crash. Lies. All lies. You would thought that after year and a half she would be ready to tell how she really felt but she's not. That's why people around her are just waiting for the moment that she'll just break. That one moment she's there and the next she's back at Psych ward. The worst part of all this is that sometimes even Mark cannot read her. To say it's difficult is understatement.

That is not what Jackson is thinking when he comes across Lexie at the hallway. "She likes you. Can you talk to her?"

"What?" Lexie is confused at her friends words.

"My mom. She wants to close the ER. Apparently we are out of money and that is the first thing we can cut from." He informs her.

"What can I do? I don't even work here."

"Please, Lexie. Talk to her. You are her favorite child and we are not even related. Please."

"Lead the way." Lexie sighs.

They see crowd of people around the conference room where the board, chief and Ellis are gathered. "Are they seriously going to shut down the one thing that gives us patients?" or "That's the real Katharine Fox!" can be hear all around.

"MOVE!" Jackson yells as they get through the crowd. Lexie catches Mark's eye when they walk in there. She is in pain and in zero interest to be there and Mark sees it.

As they knock at the door and Webber opens it he starts "Avery for the last time-" but he doesn't get to finish. Jackson just pushes through him and pulls Lexie inside too.

"Jackson baby, what are you doing?" Katharine asks.

"I'm not doing anything. She is." He answers pointing at very annoyed looking Lexie.

"She doesn't even work here." One of the board members points out.

"Can I ask you what kind of doctors any of you are?" Lexie starts.

"We are not." other one of the full men boarders tells.

"Well I can see that." Lexie continues. "Can I ask why you want to shut down the ER?"

"You don't work here, you-" One of the men starts again but is cut off by Katharine.

"We are out of money. ER is the next thing we can cut from."

"This is trauma one hospital." Lexie points out.

"Well at the end of the week it wont be."

"Who the hell do you think you are woman?" One of the board members now ask.

"Woman? Who the hell taught you manners? To answer your question: I forgot you don't really know anything about the surgical field and I can see it." Lexie turns towards the first of the men. "Your eyes have alarmingly yellow shade in them. You should really check that out." The next one "You on the other hand. Must have been nice to go bold on your 30s." The next "What do we have here. Second type diabetes?" The man nods. The next "You just look anemic. And you. Micha Portman? You were at Mass Gen when I was third year resident. 2014?"

One by one Lexie went through all eight man. The room goes silent. She just outed the whole board. She then turns to look at the three other person in the room. Looks at Richard "I know what you did around mid 90s" Then she looks at Katharine "I know your secret too." Then she looks at Ellis and says nothing for a good amount of time. "How does it feel to know that you lost your third Katharine Fox 28-year-old?"

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