5. 2018-2024

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That kiss on that hotel hallway and what happened after that in her hotel room started something Mark had thought would never happen again. The relationship was from the beginning sweet. Lexie had insisted to remain professional at work. So no matter what happened outside the hospital would be totally locked outside of the hospital doors. Mark understood where she was coming from. She was running for pose of head of neuro, she was on her 20s, and she was his boss. No-one should think that she was playing favorites.

Mark moved in with Lexie and the twins after six months of dating. It had been quite an upgrade from living in one room apartment to a real house. The next July he proposed. On October 20th, 2019, they got married. They were going to just head to city hall but Link was willing to plan and put on a dress so they would've have a small wedding for closest friends. So they did. They had small wedding where were the twins, Jo, Jackson, few of their friends form work and of course Link, who had flown from Maryland where he was doing his residency at John Hopkins. He wasn't wearing dress, but he did perform as Lexie's maid of honor and Jeremiah Willow (did mention him before) was Mark's best man. Only did Mark wish that his parents and Derek would've see him now.

On Katharine Fox awards 2019 there was tough battle. Lexie won but didn't show up to claim the prize what didn't surprise anyone at this point. A. Grey wasn't the only Grey who was nominated though. So was Ellis Grey. Lexie was not only fighting on winning The Ellis Grey, to win this award, she was against her mother who didn't even know the award would be taken from her by her own daughter. Lexie had officially now won more KFs than her mother. Still, she wasn't satisfied. She was certain her mother would still see her as disappointment.

December 17th, 2020, they welcomed baby boy, Easton Avalos Sloan. Perfectly healthy little boy, who was welcomed by two almost 12-year-old older siblings. When they had gotten married Lexie had stayed Grey, after all her whole career, including those three KFs, were under name Grey. And because Lexie didn't want to change her last name were the twins given choice to also stay Grey or change their name to Sloan, like their dad was. Because they chose to be Grey Mark was happy when Lexie had told him that this kid will be Sloan. Mark was also happy that this time he wouldn't miss the baby time, like he had with Elliot and Adriana.

2022 Mark started his fellowship at Mass Gen as a plastic surgeon.

Almost two years after Easton was born, on November 3rd, 2022, they welcomed two more boys. The older was named Elian Atticus Sloan, his middle name after Link obviously, and the younger Evertt Asher Sloan after his father.

The next February things fell down. Quite literally. Lexie was on her way to Oregon with group of surgeons. Their plane gets to Idaho before it starts breaking on the sky. It takes three days for the rescue team to find the plane, and when they do Lexie is the only one alive. The plane crushing on top of her had kept her from bleeding to death. But surviving in the forest would be only the beginning of her fight. She spent two days in hospital located in Idaho. After they flew her back to Boston, she spent two months laying in that hospital bed. She would never walk again, nor would she ever do another surgery. Or that is what they told her. She lost one leg knee down. and the other's nerves are so messed up that she cannot move it an inch. Her doctors told her that her left hand will take a while to go back to 100% usability. To top all this, she lost ability to have more kids.

After six months she was cleared for surgery both mentally and physically. Still she didn't go to work for another month. When she went she spent all her time at research lab. She didn't do surgery. She didn't see patient. All she did was research. Till two weeks later the chief of surgery, Robert Meyer, asks her to fill in as the chief. She agreed. And for the next eight months she would work as the chief.

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