3. 2009-2017

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 It's April 2009. The twins are almost three months old. Lexie has been studying from home so she could take care of the twins. For the first time in months she was going to go to school and do her final exam. If she passed today, she would start med school the next week. She would start med school at age of 17 and be a single mom to two little kids. But she would be okay. She would always be okay.

Lexie turned 18 on June 16th 2009. Link and Jackson got this great idea to take matching tattoos. They ended up taking four-leaf clover each leaf getting letter from their last name. Which meant one leaf got A for Avery, one got L for Lincoln, one got W for Wilson and one got G for Grey. Jo is friend of Lexie and Link's from the café they work together. Jo was year younger than Lexie which meant she was still in high school and starting her senior year next fall. After that she was also planning on going to Harvard and from there she was going to go to med school like Lexie was. When they met Jo, she lived in her car, but now she lived in the apartment with the trio and twins. That made it easier for Lexie because she didn't have to pay as high rent, so she had more money for the kids.

On January 23rd 2010 they were celebrate the first birthday of the twins. They went to the park and later that day they ate cake. Lexie was anxious because she had huge test next Monday. Also that Elliot got older and older and she still didn't have money for a hearing aid. Jackson had offered to pay it and Lexie would pay it pack when she could, but Lexie always said no. She wanted to prove everybody wrong. She wanted to prove her mother wrong. She wanted to prove that she can be something. That she could be more than her father. She didn't want to let Elliot and Adriana down.

June 2011. Lexie graduated Med school in little over two years. She would start her internship in Mass Gen in September. Later than everyone else, but she needed the break. She had worked without a break since she was 17. She turns 20 on 16th. They were going to zoo that day. The two two-year-olds were so exited they couldn't sleep the night before. When they finally fell asleep, it was already 9.30. Their bedtime was 8.30. For now it was sure. They were smart. Elliot learned sign language super fast. Lexie was pretty sure that he also had photographic memory. Adriana on the other hand were just fast learner. Her first word "momma" she said at 10 months. Top of that she also knew how to use sign language. Lexie wanted to make sure that even if Elliot was going to stay deaf for the rest of his life, he would always have someone who he could talk with. Even after she wasn't there herself.

Next January everyone in that hospital knew Lexie as the go to intern. After all she was the walking talking Wikipedia. Also she had a skill like no-one else. Other interns didn't really want to work with the "Little Grey", as they all called her, because she always made them look bad. But can you really blame them? She was at least six years younger than everyone else. (10 years were closer to the truth.) She just was better than they. Ellis Grey were a tabu if it involved Lexie. Every single staff member was thinking of it, but no one wanted to say it out loud. Was she Ellis' daughter? On public she had only mentioned about one daughter, Meredith. Could it be that Lexie was somehow related to the general surgeon? No one dared to ask.

Years go by and Lexie did something unheard of. As a third-year resident, she had done solo surgery... she had cut inoperative tumor out of 30-year-old man. To top of that she had used unheard of technique. That surgery led her to win her very first Katharine Fox on 2013. She didn't want to give herself to the world. She did give her name to the papers as A. Grey. She didn't show up to get the award. There were no pictures of her, and no-one knew how old she was. Or if she was a him or a her. The win gave the 22-year-old surgeon something else. It gave her the money so she could effort a hearing aid. Her son was finally able to start living like everyone else. On the future that prize would mean everything to this young boy.

When Elliot finally learned to live with voices, Lexie and Link saw something surprising. The rhythm. Elliot apparently had ear for music because this 4-year-old started hitting his hand against the table in perfect sync with the radio every time he had a change. And soon he figured Link's guitar. That led to the kid wanting to learn how to play it and Lexie bought him his very first guitar. Link taught him for free and soon the progress could be seen. He had found the thing that will keep him sane if something bad happens.

When Lexie took her final boards on spring 2016, she got 100% correct from neuro and 98.9% from general. She had always loved neuro, so it was natural choice for her. On general her attending had said she showed much potential for the department, so she took the boards for that as a back-up plan. Same year she won her second Harper Avery. She still didn't want to get into public. She chose to keep her identity for herself. She wanted to be better. She wanted to keep this secret till she knew she had made her point to Ellis. She wasn't there yet. But for now both Ellis and Lexie had two Katharine Foxs. Only difference was that Lexie was only 25 when Ellis was already 49.

Elliot and Adriana were seven now. Second grade. Elliot went to speaking therapy still twice a month, but he had started to caught up kids his age. They took care of each other and made sure neither one of them needed to be alone. If no one wanted to work with Elliot because he couldn't speak as well as everyone else Adriana went to work with him even if she already had a partner. Elliot also learned a lot, when Adriana could use ASL to show Elliot what word meant when she also said it out aloud. They were there for each other just like Meredith and Lexie had been at their age. Lexie only hoped that her kids wouldn't end up the same way as she and her sister had ended up when they went to high school. Sure they had been on the same group of friends, but even inside the group Lexie had become the other Grey. Meredith hadn't realized it. Not until Lexie had disappeared first from the group, and then from her life.

Then came the day that stopped her world.

"Hey. I'm Mark Sloan. Apparently I'm in your service sir." is said behind her and Dr. Jules Marano, one of her only real friends at work. Jules turns around and takes a look from him.

"Well I got to go now. See you at lunch Little Grey." He then says and turns to look at her.

"Yeah. See you then." Lexie says as she turns around and gives him a small smile.

"Lexie?" And she just got busted for real.

'Like that wasn't going to happen. MARK FREAKING SLOAN started working at my, MY hospital, where I thought I would never have to see anyone from my past. And out of all the possibilities it had to be Mark.' she thinks to herself

"It's Dr. Grey for you." She says and walks away. She is surprised she could keep her calm.

Thanks for reading. I appreciate. Hope you've had nice day. I'll publish new chapter soon.   

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