12. I left. I know I did.

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Lexie wakes up when a nurse enters the on call room. He came to inform that Nick was starting to wake up. Lexie thanked him and sits up to put her leg back on. Then he woke up Jer who seemed to still be asleep. They go check on their patient and after they leave, and after they are at safe distance Jer practically yells: "We made a boy walk!"

"We don't know that before he actually walks. Yes. There is a sign of nerve activity, but that doesn't mean anything." Lexie breaks that to him with calm voice.

"What is wrong with you? Why don't you just take the win?"

"Because... I don't know. Maybe because we don't really know anything yet" she sighs and leans towards nurses station. "We might have done the surgery, but it's up to him now, if he'll walk."

"So we aren't going to publish?" He asks little upset.

"What kind of question that even is? You seriously think I wouldn't publish about this? This will change history. This will change so many lives. Of course we're going to publish!" Lexie says.

"Are you going to show your face at the awards when we win?" He asks.

"Don't get ahead of yourself. What awards? There won't be awards." Lexie says and walks now towards the attendings lounge so they could change clothes and head home.

"Come on Grey. You always say you won't win and till now you always have. You are woman on your early thirties. Some how you have four KFs and you have been chief of surgery. You have done stuff that most surgeons never will. And you have done it in less than 15 years. I don't think anyone can beat that."

"I'm also someone who can only keep sane with medication."

"Yeah but that's not your fault. It's Idaho's fault."

Lexie laughs. "We can't really blame the state of something that happened there when I was supposed to only fly over it."

"We can't?"

"We can't."

"Anyways. Welcome back Grey. Hope you'll never be a chief again."

"Hah. Me too. I can step in but not for months again. Few days. If I ever get a job again, I mean."

"Didn't you get few big offerings? Mayo, Kathrine Fox, Mass Gen... To mention a few."

"I'm not coming back to Boston, I also don't want to move to Minnesota, Kathrine is offering me spot here, but do they really need another Grey? They already have two."

"We can always have three." They hear voice behind them. Meredith. "Can I talk to you? Face to face?"

"Uhm... Sure." Lexie says. She leaves Jer standing there and goes a little bit farther with her sister. "So... Hi?"

"You are a surgeon?" Meredith asks with surprised tone.

"I am a surgeon."

"You made a man out of man whore."

"Why are everyone so surprised?"

"What else should I know? Now that you're back after being gone for 16 years, I mean." Meredith's voice gets bitter towards the end.

"Okay. I left. I know I did, but don't throw it to my face like it didn't effect me in any way."

"You just left. You packed your things and you left! Do you know how that feels?"

"I do. I was left too you know? First dad walked away, then I'm in high school and my "friends" start to treat me like trash. My mom doesn't seem to care about anything else but my grades. I had good B- average. It's easy to know because it was the only grade I ever got from an exam. I counted the points I would get before returning the paper. What else? I found out I was pregnant, my family forgot my 17th birthday, and finally mom told me how I would never be anything. You guys realized I was there when I wasn't anymore. So yes. I do know how it feels when people leave you. I don't trust people. I have trust issues and I have boundary issues."

"I- I didn't realize."

"You're not the only one."

"I'm sorry."

"I know."

After the conversation with Meredith, Lexie goes back to Jer and changes to her street clothes. They are about to get out of the hospital when they see Kathrine Fox towards them. She politely says hello before walks past them. "Something is about to get down here." Lexie says and they head to her car.

Lexie spends the day with Easton, Elian and Asher. They play at the back yard, watch some cartoons, nap together at living room sofa, eat ham and cheese sandwiches and star shaped carrots. When Elliot and Adriana got home Lexie started making dinner. Nothing special. Just chicken and rice but it would be ready when Mark got home. And it was. They eat dinner together as a family for the third night in a row. After that Elliot and Adriana would go upstairs to do their homework and Mark, Lexie and the boys would hang out in living room. It was so normal and so new at the same time. This was what they used to do in Boston. This was something Lexie had missed for almost six months. Just to be around her family. There was no way she wanted to leave Seattle now. Screw her past. She felt home for the first time in months. She felt even more like home than she had ever felt in Boston.

Hello. I'm back. after all I was gone for so long. I screwed up half my exams. Nothing new. Thank god Christmas break starts in three weeks because I'm done with school... Anyways. Hope you enjoyed.

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