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-1 Year Later-

"Jerome? Come here, dear. I must tell you something!" My love calls from the other side of our house. Yes, house. We bought one six months ago. "Yes, dear?" I say in a singsong voice.

"I'm pregnant. You're going to be a father." She explains. I sit down and place a hand on her stomach.

"Oh my Forest. Wow, a father. A father. Honey, we are going to be parents!" I shout in glee. Iceburg plants a kiss on my lips. "Yes we are!" She agrees. Then, she leaves the room to got to work, and tell Sean, too, I guess. I lay down on our bed. I do not work today, and want to go to the market. I take some iron from the safe in the wall, and close the door. As I near the market I notice a man against a building, fast asleep. He wears a ratty hat and worn jeans along with a black shirt that I am sure was once white. I nudge him with my foot. "Are you okay?" I question, hating the thought of leaving him without asking. "Uhh." The man groans. I look at him. "I'm fine. I'm fine." He says tiredly. I put my hand out. "No, you are not. Come with me." He takes it and I pull him up. "This way." I motion for him to follow me. I lead the way to my house and open the door. "Follow me." I show him the guest room. "You can stay here, at least for tonight. I know a few people who could get you a job." I explain. I leave him for a moment then return with some clothes. "Take these. The bathroom is the second door on the right. Use anything you need." I say with a smile. The man looks at me. "Thank you, sir." He stammers. I leave him and go into the kitchen. Grabbing a bowl, I start up some salad for lunch. A few minutes after I finish the man comes into the room. "Here, take as much as you want." I say. He looks at me happily. I simply smile and turn around. He goes to sit at the table and I join him. "I have not seen you around here before. Are you new to town?" I question.

"I have been here for two years." He whispers.

"How long have you been, um..." I start. He chuckles and looks at me.

"Just over four years." He answers.

"My wife will be home soon. I am sure she would love to meet you." I begin, "We can watch a movie if you want."

"Okay." The man responds.

"Do you like Iron Sky?" I ask. The man nods. "Great! I will put it in and we can eat out there!" I tell him. He smiles gratefully. "Thank you so much, sir." He nods at me, "Thank you."

"No need to call me sir. My name is Max." I inform him. I then go into the living room and pop Iron Sky in. The man comes in the room and we eat and watch. As soon as it ends, my wife enters. "Honey!" She calls.

"In the living room!" I respond. She enters the room and looks at the man. "Who is this?" She questions.

"I saw him sleeping against a wall this morning. I told him he could stay, at least for tonight. I am going to talk to Sean to see if he can get a job." I answer. Iceburg looks at him.

"Okay. What is his name, Max?" She asks, referring to my false name because we have a guest.

"I.. Umm.. Do not know." I admit.

"Lancey. My name is Lancey." The man responds for me.

Authors Note:

I am SO evil

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