Vows and Veils

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"Well. Umm maybe a week?" Sean replies.

"The wedding is in a week, then." Iceburg announces. I kiss her cheek then look at Sean. "I have to go make plans! Lovebirds, do me a favor and take the week off!" Sean hurriedly states. He turns and runs out of the door. "We need to improve our room, Max." Iceburg decides.

"How so?" I ask.

"We need to push our beds together!" She yells, turning attention to us. I stifle a laugh, then follow Iceburg to our room. She takes her bed off of mine, since they are bunks, and puts it next to mine. "Done!" Iceburg and I announce. I take her hand. "In my village, Baccas proclaim their love to another by growling it out to the whole tribe. Here goes nothing." I turn into my Bacca form, then make sure the door is locked. "I love you, Iceburg. You are my one and only." I reapet what I said after turning back into a human, and Iceburg blushes. "Guess we should make our vows, Jerome." she whispers in my ear. I nod then leave the room. "I want mine to be a surprise, love." I yell behind me.

-One Week Later-

"Ready, Jerome?" My best man, Sean, asks. I gulp then nod. Sean nudges me forwards and my fiancee enters the room. Her dress sparkles like a thousand stars and she has a veil that covers her whole face. The minster steps up to us. "Max Delany, do you take Iceburg Thousand to love and kiss forever?" He says Iceburg's vow in a cheery voice, pleased to marry us.

"I do." I proclaim.

"Iceburg Thousand, do you take Max Delany as your husband? Are you ready?" He continues. Iceburg giggles at my vow, then looks me dead in the eye.

"I do." She says, her voice full of love.

"Then I now pronounce you Max and Iceburg Thousand." He says. We kiss and our Sean claps. Since he is our only audience, he told us that instead of a party, he would take us out to dinner. I pick Iceburg up, not bridal style, but by putting her head across my chest and her feet on mine, Bacca style. She nips my ear and we follow Sean to his car, then he drives us to a place called Strax. Inside, a waiter notices our garb. "Nice dress, miss." He says.

"We just got married." Iceburg responds. The waiter looks at us.

"Congratulations! Right this way! Make room for the happy couple!" He yells. People start clapping and the owner of the restaurant steps up to us. "Meal is on us, anything for the happy couple!" He says. We thank him profusely and order, then eat.

That night we consummate our marriage.

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