New Town, New Life

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I travel for a while before coming to a medium sized village. The sun is setting, so I hurry to reach the large, guarded gate.

"Halt! Who are you? What is your business here?" A guard clad in iron armor demands. I scramble for a moment, taken by surprise.

"My name? My name is Max. I have come to this village in search of a job." I lie. The guard peers at me.

"Come in, Max." He says warmly. I hesitate for a second, then follow him through the now open gate. "Follow me." The guard says. He leads me to a large, brick building. Inside, a man sits behind a counter.

"Hello, uncle." The guard starts, "This here is Max. He says he came to this town in search of a job, and I know you need waiters." His uncle looks at me.

"You get five iron a week, and a bed upstairs. I will get you a uniform. You get Fridays off, and will work at least five hours a day. Deal?" He asks, stretching his hand out.

"Deal." I say, glad to have a place to live. The man lights up, and motions for me to follow him upstairs.

"Here is your room." He says, leading me to a plain wooden door. He leaves me so I can look inside and unpack. Inside, there is a wooden chest and a bunk bed. A woman is on the top bunk, and she looks at me when I step inside. "Welcome to the job. My name is Iceburg. Don't question it." She says. I give her a nod and lay down on the bottom bunk. "Where is your stuff?" She asks.

"I do not have anything. My name is Max. Pleasure to meet you, Iceburg." I say cheerily. Iceburg stares me down. "Wait here." She says, leaving the room. A few minutes later she returns with a box.

"I asked around, and the other workers gave you some extra stuff. Here is a uniform, a toothbrush, a razor, some soap, and toothpaste." She says kindly.

"Thank you so much, Iceburg." I say, astonished by her kindness.

"No problem, Max. Our shift starts in an hour, we always share shifts with our bunkmates. I will teach you the ropes." She says.

"Okay, thank you." I say, then I stand up. I head into a door marked bathroom that is on the other side of the room and get ready for my job. After that, Iceburg leads me downstairs. "Ready?" She questions. Nodding enthusiastically, I follow her every direction and complete my shift accident free.

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