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-One Week Later-

"Hey, Max?" Iceburg calls from the kitchen.

"Yes?" I respond.

"Table three!" She yells as a plate flies at me. I catch it easily, and proceed to hand it to the young couple enjoying a meal at the restaurant, which I now know is called Essen. I do this for three more hours, then I retire to my shared room. Iceburg is already there, reading a book entitled The Turn of the Screw. "Hello, Iceburg." I say, nervous about what I am about to ask. "Umm. I was wondering, with our day off and all tomorrow, do you want to go get coffee with me? Like a date..." I say, unable to finish. Iceburg looks up at me. She stares me down with a terrifying glare, then she chuckles heartily. "Of course, Max. How could I say no?" She says happily. I run up and hug her, joyous at her acceptance. "Goodnight!" I whisper in her ear as I flop into my bed.

In the morning I change into my best clothes; A pair of jeans and a polo that I bought a few days ago. Iceburg has a pretty, flowery, and altogether marvelous dress on. "You are so beautiful!" I exclaim as soon as I see her. She giggles then takes my hand. "Let us depart, my sweet." I say, trying to act like a knight in her books. Iceburg grins at me, then playfully punches my arm. "Of course, my sweet prince." She retorts. I laugh and then lead her outside and across the street to a small coffee shop. "Whatever you would like, dear." I tell Iceburg. She orders a regular coffee with sugar, and I do the same. We sit at a small booth and sip slowly. "Thank you, Max." Iceburg says, "Next time, it is my treat." I gulp. Next time? Did she really say that? "Okay. Thank you, Iceburg." I respond happily. I take a final sip of my coffee then reach across the table and take Iceburg's hand. She leans forward, and I give her a brief, sweet, kiss. She leans into it for a moment, then I pull away. "Max. Does this mean we are dating?" She questions. I nod, then catch myself. "Only if you want to, Iceburg." I quickly say, blushing. She reaches forward and pulls my shirt. "Of course!" She says, sealing it with a kiss.

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