Tough Pup (Pt 2)

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Note: I will be giving the Princess a name in this part. Let me know what you think.

One Month Ago: Barkingburg Cruise Ship

"Ahh! Isn't this the life Sweetie?" The Princess said. She lay on her beach chair, only wearing her bikini and crown. "Just you and me on this cruise alone. Nothing to bother us." The Princess picked up her drink, took a sip, and set it back down. "Isn't it great Sweetie?" The Princess got no response. "Sweetie?"

The Princess looked to her left side and saw per precious pooch silently sitting on her bed. Sweetie had a frown on her face. She didn't seem to be enjoying the cruise at all. This made the Princess sigh sadly. Sweetie had been like this for a few weeks, and she couldn't figure out why.

"Sweetie, are you ok?" The Princess asked.

"I'm fine..." Sweetie said in a monotone voice.

"You've been like this for a while Sweetie. Are you alright?" The Princess asked. Sweetie remained quiet. The Princess had an idea.

"Sweetie, would you like to wear the crown?" The Princess offered, taking the crown off her head. Surely this would cheer her up, right?

"No." Sweetie denied. Now the Princess knew something was wrong.

"You... you don't want the crown?" The Princess said curiously.

"What's the point of having something if it won't make you happy..." Sweetie said.

The Princess started feeling worried. Something was very wrong with her pup. "Sweetie, if something is wrong, you know you can talk to me about it, right? If you need to talk, I'll listen."

Sweetie didn't say anything at first, but after some thought, she decided to speak up.

"Nella? Can I talk to you about something... personal?"

The Princess was surprised but got serious. Whenever Sweetie used her real name, it was always something serious or something personal.

"Yes. Is something wrong?" Nella said, sitting up and getting closer to her pup.

"Do you... ever feel like you're missing something important?" Sweetie asked.

"Something important?" Ella wondered.

Sweetie nodded. "I think I'm missing something, and it's making me feel lonely."

"Lonely?" Nella began to think of potential ideas. "Well, maybe I'm not giving you enough attention." Nella picked up Sweetie and hugged her in her arms. "Is that it?"

Sweetie shook her head. She still felt lonely.

Nella wasn't giving up. "Hmm." Nella looked around, she saw Sweetie's toy frog knight Busby sitting next to her chair. She picked him up and gave him to Sweetie. "Did you need Busby?"

Although Sweetie nuzzled her froggy minion, it still wasn't what she was looking for. "No. It's... something else..."

"Something else..." Nella thought aloud. "Do you think you can describe what you're missing?"

Sweetie thought for a moment. "Well, I guess it's a type of affection, maybe? But, it's not the same affection you and Busby give me."

"Affection? Oh!" Nella beamed. Sweetie looked at her confused. "I know what you need."

"R-Really? What is it?" Sweetie asked. She was desperate to know.


"Love?" Sweetie said confused. "But, don't you love me?"

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