Don't Mess With Sweetie

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It was a typical day in the Kingdom of Barkingburg. The Paw Patrol had decided to visit for a much-needed vacation. They were all exploring the town, looking at all kinds of places. They were all split up. Ryder had made his way to an electronics store while Rocky, Zuma, and Tracker decided to visit a warehouse store. This left Chase, Marshall, Skye, Rubble, and Everest in their own group. They were all heading to a music store. It had caught Rubble's eyes when passing by and they all agreed to have a look.

"I wonder what kind of instruments they'll have?" Rubble thought out loud.

"I heard they've got a lot of unique instruments. As well as some cool medieval-themed cosmetics," Everest said.

"Hopefully they don't have any golden microphones to steal," Chase said, throwing some slight banter about the Westie who was his girlfriend.

"Didn't she want to be the one to sing in the concert? Why didn't she?" Marshall wondered.

"Wasn't it because she had stage fright?" Skye replied.

"That's what was assumed at the time, but it was something more," Chase said. "Turns out she has Social Anxiety. She's had it since she was a little pup. It's one of the reasons she rarely leaves the castle. Though sometimes she does forget about it."

"Aww, poor Sweetie," Everest whimpered.

"She's been getting a lot better though. I managed to convince her to go to therapy a few months ago and she said it's helped a lot," Chase told.

"Speaking of her, aren't you going to see her today?" Marshall asked.

Chase nodded. "I was supposed to pick her up earlier, but she told me she was caught up in some things and would meet me here."

"On her own?" Rubble said in shock.

"Chase, shouldn't you... I don't know... go to her first?" Skye asked.

"No, why?" Chase questioned.

"Didn't you just say she has Social Anxiety?" Marshall said.

"Yeah, but I told you she was getting better. She's able to walk out on her own now," Chase told them.

"But she still a Royal Pup. Shouldn't her status make you worry about her safety?" Everest asked.

"If it did I would've gone to her straight away," Chase said. The four pups all looked at him in shock, making him confused. "Why is this surprising to you guys? I-" Chase paused, realizing what they might have been assuming. "You guys thought I was overprotective of her, didn't you?"

"Well... yeah," Marshall said. "I mean, I wouldn't want to mess with you. A highly trained Police Pup."

Chase rolled his eyes. "Well, you guys aren't wrong. I was overprotective at first."

"So what happened?" Skye asked.

"Sweetie... Let's just say she found a new toy to protect herself," Chase said. But this only confused them more. How could a toy protect her? What was the toy? Was it Busby, or something else?

"So... your not overprotective of her?" Rubble asked.

Chase shook his head. "No need to be. But that doesn't mean I'm not worried about her or wouldn't come to her rescue when she needs it."

"So THAT doesn't concern you?" Skye asked, pointing ahead. Chase looked at where Skye was pointing. Up ahead were four big dogs surrounding a small white dog. The small dog was none other than Sweetie, dressed in her sparkling magenta dress and tiara, along with her pup pack.

"Ok, only slightly concerned," Chase said. "But I'd be more worried about the four big dogs if I had sympathy for them." He stated.

"So... you're not gonna do anything?!" Everest exclaimed.

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