Tough Pup (Pt 1)

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"Paw Patrol, to the Air Patroller!"

"Ryder needs us!"

It was another mission for the Paw Patrol. There was a big storm coming, and it was already causing mayhem. Stuff was being blown over and knocked down by the strong winds. And people still needed to get to shelter. It was all paws on deck.

"Ok pups, this is a big mission," Ryder announced to his pups, who were all in their flying uniforms. "We need to act fast, so when I give you your assigned jobs, leave straight away." Ryder tapped on Chase's logo. "Chase, six roads are blocked and people in their cars can't get home. Think you can clear them all?"

Ryder showed images of the blocked roads. They were all surprised. There were lots of debris blocking the roads, some even had full-sized trees blocking them. But Chase kept a determined look.

"Chase is on the case!" Chase said. He ran to the back of the Air Patroller, where his glider was attached to him and flew off.

"Ryder, are you sure Chase can do this by himself? That's a lot of cleanup for one pup." Skye said, expressing her concerns.

"Chase is a tough pup, he'll be fine." Ryder then. "Now then, for the rest of you."

Ryder gave them all their jobs and the pups were on their way. Chase made his way to one of the piles of debris that was blocking the road. It was a lot of stuff, and most of it looked heavy.

"Gee, this might be too much." Chase said to himself. He looked over at the other side of the road. There were lots of cars trying to get home as quick as they can, but with the debris in the way, they couldn't go home. "No, I need to clear these roads. Ryder and these people are counting on me. Ruff! Net!"

Chase's net appeared from his pup-pack. He shot the net at the pile of debris, grabbing a good handful of them. Chase then carried the pile to a nearby garbage bin and dropped them in. He did this a few more times until the road was clear. Before people could give him their thanks, Chase flew off to another blocked road, doing the same thing as before. He did this to another four roads before coming up to the last one.

Chase was already feeling sore from the heavy pulling, but he kept pushing on. There was only one road left, all that was there was a large tree. He shot his net at the tree and began pulling, but the tree was heavy, and as a result his net broke.

"Great..." Chase said, rolling his eyes. He got on the ground and started pushing with all his might. It took a while, but he was able to push the tree off the road. Chase was exhausted, but happy he was able to clear all the roads. He then called Ryder and took off to the skies.

"Ryder! All the roads are cleared." Chase said.

"Good job Chase." Ryder said. "Can you head over to Seal Island and make sure the lighthouse is shut?"

"Umm," Chase was still feeling sore, but he didn't want to let Ryder down. "Ok. I'll head on over."

"Great. What a tough pup." Ryder hung up.

Chase began flying over to Seal Island. The winds got more intense as he got closer. Before Chase got to Seal Island, he could see something that he never wanted to see. It was the storm. A hurricane. It was quickly approaching Seal Island. Chase could see the trees on the island beginning to be pulled out.

"Maybe I should pull back and call Ryder." Chase said. But before he could make a call, the wind blew Chase's pup-tag far away. "Well, there goes that plan." Chase looked back at the lighthouse. He could see one of the windows opened by the light. "I need to close that window. But that hurricane..." Chase shook his head. "No. I can't let Ryder down." Without a second thought, Chase flew towards the island and the hurricane.

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