Nervous Confession

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"What do you mean he's coming over today!"

The Princess laughed at Sweetie's reaction. She had just told her that Chase was coming over. Sweetie had long given up on the crown, and became friends with the Paw Patrol. She became close with them all. But she was especially close with Chase. She considers him her best friend. But she wants to be more than that.

"I thought you could have a friend over while I'm gone, and Chase volunteered to stay with you." The Princess said. "He'll be here in 5 minutes."

"5 Minutes!" Sweetie exclaimed. "I-I'm not ready! I need to brush my fur, take a bath, clean my doghouse!"

"Sweetie, you already did all that today." The Princess said with a laugh.

Sweetie's ears flopped down in embarrassment. "W-Well, I need to... to..."

"Relax, Sweetie. What's got you so worried?" The Princess asked.

"Because I..." Sweetie paused and took a deep breath to keep herself from having a nervous breakdown. "I promised myself the next time I would see Chase, I know..." Sweetie turned away with a blush on her face.

The Princess realized what Sweetie was talking about. "You're gonna confess! Aww! That's so sweet!"

"But I'm not ready. I planned everything for next week!" Sweetie said in a panic. "I-I can't do this! It's too early!"

The Princess patted her head. "Oh relax Sweetie. Everything will be fine. And hey, if all else fails, just kiss him."

"Princess!" Sweetie yelled, embarrassed that the Princess would suggest something like that.

The Princess laughed. "Anyway, I should finish packing. Why don't you go ahead and show Chase around." The Princess walked away.

"Huh?" Sweetie was confused. Chase wasn't here yet. Right?

"Hey, Sweetie."

Sweetie jumped. Chase was right behind her, in his Air Patrol uniform. Sweetie sighed in relief, glad it was Chase and not some stranger. But then she got nervous. Chase was right here, right now. She wasn't ready at all.

"H-H-Hi..." Sweetie stuttered nervously. She had a big blush on her face. Her heart was racing. The pup of her dreams was staring her in the eyes.

"Sorry for startling you. That wasn't very nice of me." Chase apologized to her.

"N-No, it's fine." Sweetie told him. She couldn't help but stare deeply into his eyes. But now she was unable to look away. 'He's just so handsome...'

"Uhh, Sweetie? Are you ok?" Chase asked her. Her staring got him concerned.

Sweetie shook her head, ending her short trance. "Y-Yeah. I'm fine."

"Well, ok. Let me get my gear off, then we can do something together." Chase said with a smile. He quickly ran off to take his uniform off. Sweetie knew she had only a few seconds to think to herself. Chase was very quick at taking his uniform on and off.

'I can't do this. I can't.' Sweetie shook her head. 'No, I made a promise to myself I would the next time I would see him. Come on Sweetie, you got this.'

Chase had returned. His gear is completely off. "So, shall we start your highness?" Chase said, bowing to her.

Sweetie was blushing like crazy. 'His politeness is driving me mad!' "Y-yeah."

Just then, the Princess walked up to them. Her suitcase is packed and ready to go. "Ok Sweetie, I'm off now. Do be nice to Chase while I'm gone."

Chase X Sweetie One-Shot collectionNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ