Thankful Love

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Sweetie stared intensely at the table full of food in front of her. Her mouth drooling at the thought of eating every single bit of food that was laid out. Turkey, ham, sweet potatoes, stuffing, pumpkin pie, it went on and on.

"Look at all the food, Busby." Sweetie marveled to her frog minion. "Soon, it will be all mine to eat. But all this waiting is boring." Sweetie then had a sneaky idea. Using her claw from her pup-pack, she started reaching over the table to take an entire pie. Until...

"What are you doing?"

Sweetie stopped in her tracks. She turned around to see her boyfriend, Chase.

"Nothing." Sweetie said sweetly.

"Does nothing include trying to swipe a pie and eat it all?" Chase asked, giving her a sly grin.

"Can you blame me? It looks so good!" Sweetie said as she leapt down to nuzzle her boyfriend. Chase nuzzled back.

"You know you can't eat yet until everyone is here." Chase reminded her.

"I know, but waiting's boring. And I'm hungry." Sweetie whined.

"You're always hungry." Chase said, rolling his eyes. "I swear, you could eat more than Rubble."

"I CAN eat more than Rubble. And I still look attractive." Sweetie boasted.

"Can't argue that." Chase said. "Well, if you're hungry, then I suggest you follow me."

"Oh?" Sweetie proceeded to follow Chase. He led her to a wall. He pressed down on a certain section of the wall to open the secret passage.

"Hurry." Chase urged. Sweetie hurried in. Chase followed.  The door behind closing.

"Chase, why are we-" Sweetie stopped when she spotted a plate full of freshly baked tarts. "You did not..."

Chase smiled. "Well, I had to get something for my beautiful girlfriend."

Sweetie jumped up in Chase's paws and kissed him. Chase kissed her back.

"You're the best boyfriend in the world!" Sweetie said. She looked back at the tarts, they looked oddly familiar. "Wait a minute, these tarts are a Barkingburg royal exclusive. How did you get these?"

"You may have rubbed off on me a little." Chase admitted. That said it all for Sweetie. Chase stole the tarts for her.

"Aww, you do have a bad cop side." Sweetie said, rubbing her nose on his.

"Well, I did hear you say there better when you swipe them. Besides, it made you smile." Chase said.

"Chase, you're gonna make me faint from all this affection." Sweetie said.

"Do you want me to?"

"Please don't, I don't want to miss dinner."

"Ok." Chase said. "Tomorrow then."

"Oh, you." The two shared another kiss. "Chase, are you sure you wanna stay with me for thanksgiving? Don't you want to see your family?"

Chase let out a sigh. "I don't really have a family."

Sweetie was surprised. "You... you don't?"

"Yeah. I was abandoned as a pup. I never knew who my parents were." Chase said. "But hey, at least I got you. That's good enough for me."

"Chase." Sweetie gave him a big hug, to which he happily returned.

"What about your parents? Why don't you visit them?" Chase asked.

"My parents are breeding dogs. All they want to do is breed." Sweetie explained. "And I don't know about you, but I wanna stay far away from them. For both our sakes."

"Don't tell me they do that thing too."

"Unfortunately." Sweetie sighed. "It's just that their hormones react to intensely. And, well, you know what happens." Sweetie shuddered. "Just thinking about it gives me nightmares. It's kinda scary that it's sorta a normal things for dogs to do. We just lack that emotional maturity."

"Yeah." Chase agreed. "It must suck to not be able to see your family under normal circumstances."

"Yeah, but like you said earlier, at least I have you." Sweetie said, nuzzling Chase. "Anyway, enough of family issues." Sweetie grabbed one of the tarts and ate it whole.

"Sweetie, at least chew when you eat. The last thing I want you to do is choke." Chase warned.

"Oh, please. I've eaten bigger than these tarts." Sweetie said as she ate another one.

"Oh, really? Like what?" Chase asked.

"Stay here for a few days and I'll show you~" Sweetie winked. Chase blushed. Sweetie she another one and moaned in delight. "Strawberry. I love it! Try one Chase. They're delicious!"

"No thanks. I got them for you to eat." Chase said.

"Chase, I wanna stay clean before dinner, don't make me get us both messy like last time." Sweetie glared.

"Ok, ok. Fine." Chase took one of the tarts and ate it. "Wow, these are good."

"See?" Sweetie smiled. The leaned up to Chase and kissed him on the lips, Chase kissed back. "I love tarts, but I love you more."

Chase smiled. "Love you too, Sweetie."

"CHASE! SWEETIE! TIME TO EAT!" The Princess announced.

"Bother!" Sweetie huffed. "Guess we'll save these for later." Sweetie opened a secret storage compartment and placed the tarts inside. While it was opened, Chase could see one of his old hats he lost a while ago.

"So that's where my hat went." Chase said.

"Hey, I need your scent around when you aren't here." Sweetie said.

"Creepy, but alright." Chase said as the two walked out of the secret passage way. "Well, since it's thanksgiving, what are you thankful for?"

"Well, I'm thankful for the Princess adopting me. Busby for keeping me sane. But most of all, I'm thankful for having a handsome boyfriend who loves me very much." Sweetie smiled. "What about you?"

"I'm thankful for Ryder and the Paw Patrol. Adventure Bay. Being a police officer. And most importantly," Chase kissed Sweetie on her cheek. "I'm thankful for having a beautiful wife like you."

"Aww, I love you too Chase." Sweetie said. But she thought back at Chase's last statement. "W-Wait. W-Wife?"

Chase stood in front of Sweetie. "Sweetie. I love you, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. So Sweetie," Chase pulled out a small black box and opened it. Inside was a beautiful diamond bracelet. "Will you marry me?"

"YES!!!" Sweetie exclaimed, tears forming in her eyes. Without hesitation, she jumped up into Chase as the two shared a long passionate kiss. "You have no idea how long I've waited for you to say that."

"And I waited way to long to say it." Chase said, happy that Sweetie accepted. He took the bracelet out of the box and slid it around Sweetie's paw. It fits perfectly.

"It's beautiful." Sweetie said. "You got it as a bracelet too."

"We'll, it's more like an anklet because, well, no hands. And dogs can't wear rings." Chase told her.

"Not to mention uncomfortable." Sweetie said. "Chase, I love it. And I love you." Sweetie nuzzled her now husband, Chase. Chase nuzzled his now wife, Sweetie. "I love you!"

"I love you too!"

Happy Thanksgiving!

Smile :)

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