Attention || Minho [feat. platonic Newt]

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I'm just going to warn you right now this is extremely fluffy. It also get sad so just be warned.

You lazily rolled over on your bed. Your hands searched for a familiar frame but you came up empty handed. A sigh escaped your lips. Just once you would like to wake up and feel Minho beside you. With a groan you stood up in your boyfriend's room. You had come into his room last night for attention. And although he had payed attention to you, you weren't quite satisfied. You understood that he was busy. It was more than that though! He seemed to never pay attention to you anymore. Pushing these feelings aside you got dressed and headed to breakfast. 

Several boys flirted with you in the line. Living with four dozen boys wasn't exactly easy. The boys were constantly pawing for your attention. You pouted, wishing Minho would do the same every once in a while. You thanked Frypan for the food and headed to your usual table with Newt. Newt was your best friend. Minho never minded you two hanging out. As weird as it sounded, it bothered you that it didn't mess with him. It was really a good trait to have but it seemed that Minho assumed that he didn't have to do anything with you. You grumbled and stabbed at your eggs. 

"What's wrong?" Newt asked. Man, where would you be without him. 

"You know... Minho," you mumbled. You had talked vaguely about this to Newt before.

Newt nodded. 

"I just-" you searched for the right words. "It makes me mad that he just... thinks that I'm helplessly and hopelessly in love with him since we're dating."

Newt looked confused, "Don't you love him?"

"I do... but he seems to - seems to think that he's won me or whatever. That he doesn't need to work to keep me," you shook your head. "I'm sorry. It sounds terrible."

"It really doesn't," Newt said. "Have you tried talking to him about it?"

This made you a wee bit annoyed. It wasn't Newt's fault. It was a perfectly logical question to ask but it annoyed you nonetheless.

"Of course I have. He just doesn't seem to understand," you sighed hopelessly. "Newt, I hate saying it but I really can't keep doing this."

Newt frowned. He had tried to stay out of your relationship with Minho but he decided that it was time to intervene on your behalf.

~Time Skip~

Minho ran into the glade exhausted. He wiped the sweat from his forehead. Nothing ever changed with that maze, did it? Minho stood catching his breath. A few gladers milled around finishing up their jobs. A slopper passed by. He was the latest greenie. "Greenie," he called to the boy. The boy whipped around and stood up straight. He was obviously intimidated by the runner. "Get me some water, yeah?" The greenie nodded and rushed off eager to please the keeper. 

Newt made his way over to Minho with a scowl. 

"Shouldn't pick on the greenie like that," Newt lectured. "Being stuck in this bloody place is hard enough."

"Don't mean him any harm," Minho said with a shrug. 

"Minho, we need to talk," Newt commanded in his leader voice. 

"I got to map first," Minho said. 

"No." Newt stepped in front of Minho to block his path. "We need to talk now."


You tentatively opened Minho's door. You looked around the dull room. A scarce amount of drawings hung on the walls. You neared the one dearest to your heart. It was a drawing of you and Minho that one of the gladers had drawn. You were both smiling in the picture. You were on Minho's back. The two of you were looking at each other and laughing. You couldn't remember the last time the two of you had played like that.


Minho crossed his arms. He hated being stalled from mapping, "What is it, shank?"

"It's Y/n," Newt said curtly. "Minho, you have to pay her more attention."

Minho scowled, "She's my girlfriend. Stay out of it."

The greenie ran back with the water but stopped sensing the tension rising. 

Newt took a breath, "Minho, she's lonely. You treat her like sh*t. She loves you but she needs attention."


You walked slowly over to Minho's bed. Two months after Minho asked you out you had a nightmare one night. You had come to Minho's room crying. As soon as Minho saw you he had placed you in his lap whispering to you gently. The next morning you woke up cuddled into Minho. His arms had been wrapped around you protectively. Alby had come in to tell Minho he was late. You would never forget how solemn Alby had doubled over in laughter and the sight of the two of you. Your face had gone red. Even Minho had become flustered. You missed that.


"Oh, so you know what she wants," Minho scoffed. Minho was used to winning arguments with Newt and was upset that Newt was interferring in his business. 

"I know better than you! You know why, because I actually listen!" Newt snapped.

The greenie took a step back. He looked between the two restlessly.


You pulled Minho pillow to your chest. The scent of hair gel tickled your nose. You didn't even realize you were crying until a tear hit the pillow. You pulled it closer to your chest. Tears ran down your face in a waterfall. One by one dry sobs escaped your lips.


"Well maybe you shouldn't!"

"You got a lot of nerve, Minho! I was her best friend before you were her boyfriend! If you can even call yourself that! You know, sometimes I think you use her just for the attention!"

Minho stood silently. Smoke steamed from his ears. He glared daggers at his friend. 

"So if you really do love her act like it!" Newt yelled before storming off. 

Minho stared in shock. The greenie step forwards and cleared his throat. Minho snapped his head towards him with fire blazing in his eyes. The greenie quickly retreated, deciding that water could wait. With steps like lead, Minho stalked to to the homestead. He banged doors close behind him. Jeff and Clint gazed at Minho stunned. The creaky stairs pounded with his footsteps to his room. He approached his door and flew it open. 

Minho stopped. His world came crumbling apart at the sight he saw. You were laying on his bed sobbing. Your back face him. "Y/n?" Minho whispered. You didn't respond. He didn't deserve a response. The bed dipped gently. You didn't try to stop your sobs. Minho ran a hand through his hair. He thought back to the last time he kissed you; the last time he was the one to approach you; the last time he held your hand. He couldn't remember. You both brooded in the dark room. There were inches between them yet they were miles apart. Minho laid down next to you and slowly wrapped his arms around you. You didn't push away but you didn't move closer either. 

"Y/n," Minho stopped. A small sob escaped his lips. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to- I should have payed you more attention. I'm sorry. There's no excuse. Please, baby, I love you."

You let out a giant sob. 

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I know I don't deserve you. I'm such, such and idiot! I'm going to t-try to change though. Please, if you'll just keep me."

Your whole body shook with sobs. 

"You're so wonderful, Y/n! Gosh! You're so amazing and I love you so, so, so much! You are so kind, and good, and caring. You'll everything I want to be. Y-Y/n," Minho begged. 

You turned to face him. You placed your head in chest and sobbed silently. 

"I love you, I love you, I love you," Minho repeated over and over again as he kissed all over your head and shoulders. You hugged him back as both of your sobs stilled. You didn't know if this would work out but you were both willing to try. 

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