Your Job || Preference

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Track-hoe. None of the jobs really went to well for you. You burned the food trying to be a cook. Your fingers were sore for days after trying builder. You puked while watching Winston cut up an animal. And you got yourself wrapped in medical tape at the med-jacks. Honestly, you weren't that good at track-hoe either but Alby didn't want to make you a slopper or bagger. Besides, being a track-hoe meant that a certain second in command could keep you out of trouble. Or at least try to.


Cook. The day you helped you tried it out all the boys went to Alby begging to make you a cook. Fry was astonished with your cooking skills. It also helped that you made chocolate chip cookies for dessert that night. Fry basically demanded that you be a chief. Ever since, the gladers' food has been much more flavorful and less burned. You convinced Fry to make a dessert once a week. Let's just say that made you pretty popular in the glade. 


Med-jack. You have a very caring personality that fit the job perfectly. Clint bragged to Alby about how you had taken care of the sick gladers perfectly. After telling Newt that you preferred Med-jack, he insisted on you being on. After you got Gally to calm down and not complain Ably automatically made you a med-jack.


Runner. You were originally made a track-hoe. However, after beating Minho in a race he asked Alby that you become a runner. Alby was skeptical at first. After Gally said that there was no way you could be a runner, you did everything in your power to prove him wrong. It also helped that Minho got Newt on your side. Alby let you out on a test run with Minho. That day you had to slow down for Minho. After hearing this all of the keepers, even Gally, voted for you to be a runner. 

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