How you met || Preference

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You were the greenie before Chuck. You met when Alby was showing Thomas around. "And remember," Alby said, "Never ever go past those walls."

"Hey, Alby!" 

Alby and Thomas looked down from the watch tower to  see you and Chuck carrying some stuff for Thomas. Thomas lost his breath by just looking at you. He and Alby headed down and Alby introduced Thomas to the two of you, "Greenie meet Chuck and Y/n."

"Hi," you greeted. 

"Hey," Thomas said.


Newt was showing you around the glade when you suddenly ran into someone. "Hey! Watch..." the voice stopped. You looked up to see a muscular Asian guy and man! was he hot! "Shuck!" he said. He then turned to Newt, "Hey, Newt, you know that's a girl? Right?" 

You couldn't help but to burst out laughing. "I'm pretty sure he knows. I'm Y/n."

"Minho," the guy responded shaking your hand. "I'm the keeper of the runners."

"What does that mean?" you asked. 

"It means I'm special," he flirted with a wink. "See you around, greenie." With that he ran off in the direction of a hut.


You sat crying as the doors to a top of a large metal box opened. You looked up to see a bunch of teenage guys looking down.

"It's a girl!"

"She's hot!" 

"I call dibs!" 

You whimpered at the boys' remarks. 

"Shut up!"

An adorable blond haired boy jumped into the box. "Hey, love. You're okay," the boy said in a peaceful accent. "W-where am I?" you asked. 

"You're in a place we call the glade. I'll explain everything but first we need to get you out of this box," he extended his hand to you and you took it shyly. As soon as your hands connected he turned a bright red. He carried you out of the box and you baried your face into him, grabbing some of his shirt material. He showed you around and you hardly left his side for the next week.


You were sitting next to Winston at the bonfire. "So what do you think of the glade, Greenie?" he asked. 

"Y/n," you corrected. "And it's alright, I guess." You then heard some boys shouting. You turned around to see a group of boys huddled around something. "What's that?"

"The fighting circle," Winston said as he took a swig of his drink. "You wanna try to beat Gally?"

"Who's Gally?" 

"The keeper of the builders, and the fighting ring champion," Winston informed you as you walked over. "Yo, Gally! Greenie wants to have a go!"

All of the boys laughed. "You sure about that, girlie?" Gally chuckled. You were angry now. "Don't call me girlie!" you spat. "And I'll kick your ass!"

And you did. To say that Gally was impressed is an understatement.

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