She Loves Someone Else || Newt

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Newt looked at Y/n as she sat in the grass in her blue dress, sewing a torn hammock. He gazed at the girl as she stuck her toungue out a little in consentration. Newt knew he should focus on his work instead of staring but he could never get over the girl. The little pump she got in her step when Frypan allowed her to steal an apple from his kitchen. The way her eyes lit up when she finished a project. Everything about her inticed him. Zart nudged his shoulder and Newt blushed before returning to work. Y/n had been in the glade for nearly four months and Newt had been shocked to how quickly she adjusted. All the boys wondered at the shy, happy girl. Despite living in a place chalk-full of boys, she still blushed when one of them said she looked nice. Not that he stood a chance of course. There were 45 other boys in the maze that Y/n could go for. However, none would ever love her as much as Newt. 

Minho jogged through the maze doors and looked at his blond friend. Minho smiled thinking of how Newt had come to life since Y/n had arrived. Newt had been the one to get Y/n to calm down when she came up in the box. And ever since she had smiled at the Brit, Newt had followed her around like a lost puppy. Most of the gladers had stopped flirting with her when they saw how head over heels in love Newt was. Minho was convinced that there wasn't a thing Y/n did that went unnoticed by Newt. All Newt seemed to think about anymore was the girl. The runner shook his head, knowing that if he asked her, Y/n would happily date Newt. After all, Y/n had started wearing blue so much when Newt said in complimented her eyes. Minho jogged over to Y/n.

"Minnie!" Y/n cried as she jumped up to hug the boy.

Minho swung her around a bit before placing her back onto the ground. "Hey, she-bean. What ya up to?"

"Just sewing up RJ's hammock. He wore out a hole in it," the girl answered. "What about you?"

"Just watching Newt staring at you like every other day I come back."

Y/n blushed. "Not AlWAYS."

"Yes, ALWAYS. Y/n he's head over heels for you. He literally can't get enough of you. You should ask him out. I know you like him too."

"I mean he is sweet, and brave, and cute."

"See? He'll never have the courage to ask you so maybe you should just you know- ask him."

"Yeah. You're right Minho. I will," Y/n stood up on her tip-toes and pecked the keeper's cheek. 

"You're welcome, shank. Now go get him!"

Newt stared at Y/n as she kissed Minho's cheek. He felt his heart break then and there. He couldn't take it and dropped him trowel, running to the deadheads. Zart called after him to no avail. Newt ran all the way to the dead heads and dropped to his knees sobbing. He couldn't take it. She loved Minho. Of course she did, Minho was funny, fit, and handsome, and he didn't have a bloody lim-


Newt was cut off by a honey voice calling to him. He couldn't stand for her to see him like this. He wiped away his tears only to have a gentle hand wipe them away for him. 

"Newt, what's wrong?"

"Shouldn't you be with your boyfriend, Minho?" Newt huffed.

Y/n turned the blond to face her, "Oh my sweet, niave, Newt. I don't like Minho. In fact, there is another boy that has caught my eye."

Newt trembled, not sure he could take knowing how much the girl loved another.

"He's kind and sweet. And he is a great leader."

Newt looked up at Y/n.

"He has beautiful blonde hair..."


"And wonderful, warm brown eyes."

Zart didn't have brown eyes. Maybe Billy?

"He is patient and good with everyone."

Billy was definately not good with people. 

Y/n stroked Newt's face. "He has a strong chin."

Newt's eyes grew big with realization.

"He always makes me feel safe and he is the most adorable person ever."

Newt grew a dark red and Y/n chuckled. 

"But right now he's making me sad because he's crying."

"Well then he should stop crying," Newt sniffled.

"Mmm," Y/n hummed in agreement. "But what would make me really happy right now was if he kissed me."

"Gladly," Newt whispered huskily.

Newt carefully connected his lips with the girl's. Their mouths danced against each other's happily. Y/n climbed sideways onto the blonde's lap. Newt wrapped his arms around her waist and her's found their way into Newt's hair.

"I love you," Newt mumbled against Y/n's mouth.

"I love you," Y/n responded before kisses Newt's forehead.

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