Teddy Bear || Gally

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Gally glanced at you as you sat on the grass outside of the med-jack hut. It was no surprise to him that you had become a med-jack. The girl's long, dark hair covered her face a tiny bit. Her dark skin shone in the light of the bonfire's blazing flames. Gally studied her face intently. Usually Gally was rough around the edges but everytime Gally came with in 10 feet of you he seemed to melt. The other gladers of course took notice and teased him constantly but he could care less. As he watched her, the girl turned to make eye contact with Gally and smiled at him. Gally stiffened and blushed a bit before looking away. 

"Dude, you should talk to her," Frypan said. 

Gally scoffed, "Why? So I can get my heart ripped out?"

Fry shook his head, "She obviously likes you too, shank. Just try."

"Like she could ever love me! Why would she love the blockheaded builder?" Gally said shaking his head with anger. 

Frypan rested his head on Gally's broad shoulders. He studied the tense figure of his friend who sat like a stone statue of some great leader long forgotten guarding the gate of his city. Frypan shook his head in empathy. He knew Gally's exterior was a cover, a mask to hide behind to protect himself.  "If any she's your best chance. If anyone can love you, it's her," Fry said.

Gally stared at the girl as she talked to Jeff. He slowly rose and made his way over to the girl with shaking footsteps. His heart leaped as she turned to him. Gally stopped in front of her and just stared unsure of what to say and how to say it. 

"Is something up Gally?" Y/n asked. 

Gally took a deep breath and then shouted, "Ireallylikeyou!"

"Um... what?" the girl asked. 

Gally ran away unable to forgive himself. He ran all the way to the deadheads and then stopped. He rubbed the back of his head and paced around in heavy steps. Gally's mind turned. Had she said 'what' because she didn't understand him or because she couldn't believe it? Gally let out an animalistic groan. He couldn't take it any more and began savagely punching a tree. Tears poured down his face. He had ruined it. All of the agrivation and anger of the past months came out. Blood gushed out of his fists but he didn't stop, he couldn't. 

At last, Gally collapsed to the ground and let out pitiful sobs. His whole body shook out of frustration. The tears poured down, one after the other until he could hardly cry anymore. Then the most unexpected thing happened. Gally felt arms being wrapped around him. He looked up to see Y/n's e/c eyes looking at him in fear. She hugged him closer as he sobbed into his shirt. His strong arms went around the girl as she rocked him back and forth. When the boy's sobs quieted, Y/n lifted Gally's chin. "Gally you don't need to hide from me or anything. I like you too. I know that you may look all tough, but really you're just a big teddy bear."

Gally looked at Y/n is shock. He then swallowed hard, "S-so... you'll be my girlfriend."

Y/n pecked Gally's lips, "I would love to."

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