First I love You || Preference

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"THOMAS!!!" your voice rang through the glade. 

"Uh-oh," Minho said as you barged into the map-room. 

"Hey! You can't be in here!" Minho protested.

"Shut-up, Minho!" you snapped before turning to your boyfriend. "Thomas, do you know what Alby just said? He said that you refused to take a break from running!" 

"Y/n, I don't get why this is a big deal. I just want to find a way out. And that takes time," Thomas was doing his best to remain calm. 

"Well you know what else takes time, Thomas?! A girlfriend!" you yelled running out of the door. 

Thomas looked at Minho. 

"Go on," Minho sighed. 


You sat crying in the deadheads. All you wanted was to spend time with your boyfriend. Was that really too much to ask? You heard the sound of leaves russling and you turned to see Thomas. 

"Hey," he said quietly. 

You turned away from him, not ready to dignify him with a response. Thomas sighed and moved to sit down next to you. 

"Y/n, look... I'm sorry. I just want to find a way out for you. For us. I care about you more than anything else. I guess what I'm trying to say is... Y/n, I love you." 

You turned to face him with a smile. "I love you too, Thomas," you sniffled. 

Thomas kissed your head, "I'm going to accept Alby's offer of a day off and then I'm going to ask Zart if you can have the day off so we can spend all day together."

"Good that," you smiled.


You sat on Minho's lap as he kissed you all over the face. You giggled softly as his lips dragged along your jaw. He went to kiss your neck but you quickly moved his face to kiss your lips. Getting the message, Minho kissed you quickly on the lips again and again. You couldn't help but to smile by his actions. "Stop smiling. It makes it harder to kiss you," Minho teasingly instructed. 

You giggled and pulled away. Minho gave you a small pout making you laugh. "What?" he asked.

"I just love you," you said earnestly. 

Minho's eyes grew large taking in what you had just said. He then smiled happily, "I love you too, princess."

You smiled. You had your prince charming and he loved you. For the moment, nothing else mattered.


You sat waiting on the grass for Newt to finish a keeper meeting. You yawned looking up at the countless stars. The meeting was running very late and you were quite tired. Still, you wanted to say goodnight to Newt. You were about to doze off when you saw the keepers leaving the meeting hall. You smiled watching the keepers leaving the room one by one. You waved at Newt. As soon as he saw you a smile broke on his face and he limped over to you. "Hello, love," Newt greeted taking your hand and placing a kiss on your knuckles. You smiled at him. Newt sat down beside you and you leaned against him. Newt chuckled before falling back on the grass with you on top of him. You smiled giddily and let out a content sigh. Newt smiled at you ardently as if in a dream. 

You let out a huge yawn. 

"Are you tired, love?" Newt asked concerned. 

"A little. Your meeting ran very late," you answered. 

"You didn't have to wait for me," Newt commented stroking your (h/c) locks. 

You shrugged, "I know. I wanted too."

You let out another yawn. 

"Come on. Bed time," Newt said picking you up bridal style. 

He began to silently cross the glade to your hut. You smiled into his chest. Newt took you to your hut. He placed you on your bed. You didn't have to worry about taking your shoes off since you had been barefoot. He pulled the covers over you and kissed your head softly.

"Newt?" you asked looking up at him. 

"Yes, Y/n."

"I love you," you said hugging him tightly around the neck. Newt felt his heart explode. He looked at you in wonder and love. "I love you, Y/n," he whispered. "More than the world." You smiled before drifting off into a peaceful sleep. 


You watched Gally wrestle one of the gladers. He, of course, won. All the gladers cheered and he walked over to where you sat on a log. You took a swig of moonshine. Gally sat besides you and put his arm around your waist. "You did good," you commented to him. 

"Thanks," he said staring into the flames of the fire. 

You looked up at Gally. You studied his cheeks, his nose, his eyes. You felt his strong arm around you that held you so gently and safely in love. You thought of the time that he had confessed to you. You hadn't been sure if you liked him then but you were sure now. You grabbed his face and turned him to face you. You looked into his eyes and whispered, "Gally, I love you."

Tears of joy came into Gally's eyes. He looked at you in awe and wonder. He smiled softly before kissing you. "I love you, Y/n," he whispered against your lips. "I love you so very much."

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