Chapter 18

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Towards the end of November, the whole compound had been decorated with Christmas decorations. Decorating the tree was eventful to say the least: Pepper would start stressing over details such as there being too many or not enough tinsel, lights and baubles on the tree. It was sweet when Peter used his webs to hang from the ceiling, keeping a tight hold of Morgan as she placed the star on the tree. In yours and Nat's room, there was a small tree and some lights around the window.

As the cold, winter weather crept in, there would be more cosy nights in your room with Natasha. You would go Christmas shopping with her and you would be able to figure out the kind of stuff she seemed interested in while also buying presents for everyone else. After shopping for everyone elses gifts with Nat, you would then go back to the shops with Wanda the day after to get your wife's presents. Natasha would also watch to see the things you were into and she eventually discovered the perfect gift. She would wait to go with Clint to buy your presents.

Clint's family grew to love you and so when Kate Bishop turned up right before christmas, you and Nat helped while Clint went to help her. She joined you for Christmas that year and was eventually recruited as an official avenger. On christmas eve, everyone and their families slept at the compound. It was magical. All the kids would put out food for Santa, which Bucky would then later eat thinking that someone had left it there by mistake. On the night, everyone would watch christmas movies while sipping hot chocolate with marshmallows and cream and you would wrap a blanket around you and your wife, snuggling further into her.

As soon as Christmas morning came around, all the younger kids were up and F.R.I.D.A.Y. woke everyone up. Opening presents came first. You sat watching the younger ones open theirs and set whatever they got up and gave everyone else theirs, opening the ones that the others got you. While Wanda and Vision cooked breakfast for everyone, you and Natasha exchanged presents. There were clothes, jewellery, books and then you both paused, saying the same thing at the same time - "There's one last special one." You laughed it off and gave the box to her first. She smiled when she pulled out 2 black, red and gold pistols with her initials engraved on the side of each. Natasha pulled your face so her lips could meet yours in a soft kiss. "Thank you, моя дорогая жена. They're amazing. Now let me go get your present from Clint's room."

When she came back with what looked like a box covered with a blanket, you were slightly confused. "Did you run out of wrapping paper or somethi-" You were cut off by a tiny meow and Natasha removed the blanket to reveal a small, black kitten in a cage with an orange blanket at the bottom. "Her name is Liho. Remember... the one that was looking at you through the window at the shelter we passed."

"Mhmm... I remember.. Wait, are we.. keeping her?" You said between crying.

"Yes, моя любовь. She's ours. And I bought some toys and stuff for her that are just in Clint's room, if you want to come help me set it up in our room." And that is exactly what you did, before playing with Liho until dinner was ready.

AN - hiiii this is the final update on this book and i just want to say thankyou so much for reading :))) i will soon be uploading the marvel women one-shots so if you're interested, stay tuned for that and if you have any requests for any characters just comment on here or just message me if you want it to be anonymous <3333

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