Chapter 4

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At dinner, you sat next to Peter and Natasha. Everyone asked how you were settling in and were happy to hear that you were happy although everyone kept giggling at you. "Have I got something on my face or is there a joke that I missed?" Tony almost spat out his water. "Okay I'll tell you the joke. Who is powerful and can secretly sing thinking no one knows?"

"Well, I don't know. Could you just tell me?" Natasha looked at you and couldn't help but laugh. "Darling, it's you! Peter recorded it and then showed us because you weren't exactly holding back and the walls aren't that thick. Plus, I kinda heard you when I brought you the drink."

"Instead of a movie night, can we have a 'let's all throw stuff at Peter' night." Everyone laughed at your joke even though you were half serious about it. "Yeah well, I'm the only one who has seen you dancing." Nat winked at you and you went bright red. Tony turned to face you. "Now I have got to see you dancing. Romanoff, record it next time."

"Tony, I can't make any promises but I will definitely try." You kicked her leg under the table and rolled your eyes at her comment but she only laughed harder.

After dinner, you all grabbed snacks and drinks and went to go get comfy to watch the movie. They let you pick the movie since it was your first movie night with them and you picked Howl's Moving Castle. It was one of your favourite movies so you were excited. You sat in the corner of one of the chairs with a blanket over you waiting for the last few to join you. Finally, Tony and Thor came with the last few drinks and then Natasha sat beside you. Before long, most of them were either drunk or getting bored except you who sat with your eyes glued to the TV. Tony decided to play a game. "Hey, Y/N, are you up for truth or dare?"


"Truth or dare?"

"Um yeah sure! Natasha? Peter? "

Natasha turned her head to face you. "What's the worst that could happen?" The other avengers agreed to join in too. You started by asking Tony. "Tony, truth or dare?"

"Dare! "

"I dare you to.. Eat 5 tablespoons of ketchup!"

"That's easy!" He did it quickly and he absolutely hated it and then asked Steve. "Hey, Rogers, truth or dare?"

"Truth. "

"Boring. What is the most embarrassing thing you've ever done on a date?"

"Uhh, I accidentally let go of the restaurant door and it hit the girl in the face haha. Natasha! Truth or dare?"

"Umm dare." She looked at him confidently.

"Alright, I dare you to kiss the most attractive person in the room."

"Sure, alright." She walked around and past everyone, stopping at Steve only to push his face and circle back to you. You were kinda zoned out until you felt it. Her. She leaned over to you, cupping your face and kissed you and you didn't pull away; you only reciprocated. She looked into your eyes and held eye contact for a moment. She brought her lips to your ear and whispered quietly. "So, the feeling's mutual?" You only nodded. Natasha had truly left you speechless. That was until everyone started talking. "Um when did you two happen?" Both you and Natasha looked at each other. "You do realise that a woman can find another woman attractive without it being romantic or sexual, don't you Steve." She laid on you getting under the blanket as the game continued. "Okay, Y/N." She smirked. "Truth or dare?"

"Oh umm, dare!"

"Uhmm, I dare you to.. take off one piece of clothing. Like literally just a random piece of clothing." You sat for a moment to think and then slowly took off your bra, handing it over to Nat. "Bold move, Y/N."

Once it started to get late, you were falling asleep while the rest played games and had fun. Natasha picked you up and took you to your bed, tucking you in tightly after helping you change. She leaned over you and lightly kissed your forehead. Natasha went to her room to change into a pair of shorts and a t-shirt and got into bed. She laid there realising she couldn't sleep so she put on a movie for a while; maybe she would get bored and fall asleep that way, that's what she usually did because she could never sleep. An hour passed, all she could think of was how well she slept with you by her side the night before. A familiar scream soon came from the room across the hall. She ran to your room and hugged you. "Hey, I've got you. You're safe here." You cried into her shoulder. "I'm sorry for waking you. If you don't mind, could you lay with me?"

"Of course Y/N. It's fine, I couldn't sleep anyway." Natasha got in the bed beside you and held you tight. She gently rubbed her thumb over your cheek to wipe away the tears and then took your hand. "Thank you, again, Nat."

"Hey Y/N, it's sweet but you don't have to thank me. I should be thanking you because sleeping with you is better than not sleeping at all."

"I guess we both struggle with sleep then."

"If that's the case, why don't we make this a permanent thing rather than playing musical beds every night?"

"I'd like that a lot." You hugged her and you both laid there until you both fell asleep in each other's arms. The sleeping thing continued like the two of you had agreed for the next few weeks and so had the casual flirting you both seemed to do a lot of.

A/N - hello, i hope you enjoyed this chapter. just a reminder that if you're here for smut then i'm sorry to disappoint but i don't really feel like adding smut into this. of course that may or may not change in the future but i can't guarantee it. but as usual, have a nice evening/day/night/morning or whatever it is for your time zone and thank you for reading 🥰🥰

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