Chapter 15

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The night before her birthday, you pampered Nat. You started with face masks for which Peter decided to join. After that, he left to do whatever he was doing. You didn't understand why, he just loves doing face masks, especially with you since he was too scared to ask anyone else.

After the face masks, you put on a movie and ran to the wardrobe to grab your nail polishes and stuff. You ran back and jumped onto the bed, just about missing Natasha. "Woah there, slow down, pretty girl."

"Call me that again. I like it." You blushed hard when she called you that.

"Hmm okay, pretty girl." You practically squealed before asking her to pick a colour for her nails. "Uhmm, red... and black."

"Very surprising." She rolled her eyes, sensing your sarcasm. "But it suits you though. Very well actually."

You gently painted her nails and she watched you in awe. That night, you gave her an unbelievable amount of hugs and kisses until eventually the two of you fell asleep.

The next day, you woke up but the beautiful redhead wasn't in bed with you. You frowned and got up. "Tasha?" As you checked the bathroom and turned back to go find her, she walked back in with two plates. "Oh hey, I was just gonna wake you. I made pancakes and I would have been quicker but Thor is like a human vacuum and stole some so I had to make more."

"HA! The fact you just referred to Thor as a human vacuum. I love it. I'm changing his name on my phone to that. And I'm supposed to be making you breakfast. It's your birthday!!"

"Yeah but-"

"No buts, eat your pancakes, I'll eat mine while we watch TV, you can open your presents that I got for you, then have some 'fun' hehe. And I'm taking you out for dinner tonight by the way."

"Oh wow, you really thought out today didn't you. I love you so much. I feel so lucky to have you baby." You see a tear roll down her cheek and wipe it.

"Baby, don't cry. I'll cry. And then you'll cry more. It'll become like a weird cycle of crying." She laughed.

"Hmm okay, I'm just super happy. And it's all because of you."

From under the bed, you pulled out a black and gold paper bag with a bow tied at the handle. "Here are your presents!"

"If there's anything expensive in here, I want you to take it back and keep the money yourself. But thank you."

"Oh, be quiet and open them. I knew you'd say that. There's nothing in there that I couldn't afford. Don't worry."

"Hmm okay." She unwrapped the first gift. It was a small jewellery box and inside were a pair of pistol shaped earrings. "Oh my god, they're so pretty!" You smiled at her as she picked up the next gift and unwrapped it. From the wrapping paper, she pulled out a black leather jacket. "Wait! I already have a leather jacket!"

"Yeah well bird brain told me just how long you've had that one so I thought why not get you a new one."

"Well, I appreciate it, принцесса."

"You're welcome... but there's two more!" Natasha picked up the last gift from the bag as you went to get a wrapped up box from the wardrobe. She opened it to find a silver necklace. It had her initials on it with a pistol charm either side to match the earrings.

"I love it!" You handed her the last wrapped box. As she took it from you, Nat seemed confused as it was heavier compared to the other presents. She took away the wrapping paper and opened the box to a pair of dr martens.

"I didn't really know what else to get you so I thought, why not get you some gay boots. I mean, now you can match mine."

"I love you so very much." She took your hand and kissed your knuckle. After a quick tidy up, soon enough, yours and Nat's clothes were on the floor while you began to give Natasha a special birthday gift.

Later that day, you and Natasha got changed. Nat wore her new stuff with a white t-shirt and blue jeans. You wore jeans, a white shirt and a light blue tank top with a pair of vans. "Okay who allowed you to look that good?!"

"Hmm I don't know, but you look even prettier, детка."

You blushed as you walked out of the compound to one of Tony's cars. Natasha sat in the passenger seat, resting a foot on the dashboard and you got in to drive to the american-style diner you had planned to go to. It was just half an hour down the road, located exactly on the side of the highway. While there, Natasha got a burger and a beer. You also got a beer but rather than a burger, you ordered a hotdog. "I appreciate what you've done today for me. I've had one of the best days ever, besides Yelena wrapping up a glitter bomb and telling me to open it. There is still pink glitter in my hair for christ sake! I hate pink."

"To be honest, it was kinda funny. And when we get back, we can shower and I'll help you get the rest out."

"I'd like that. Thank you, my love."

"I love you, Tasha." She smiled, saying it back.

A/N - heyyyoooo, here's some fluff for you all, i hope you like it<3333

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