Chapter 7

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In the car, Natasha wrapped you up in her jacket and began to drive. You watched her smile as she looked down to see you drawing patterns on her thigh with your fingers while she drove. Once on the road that went straight for miles, with the odd petrol station here and there, she took one of her hands off the wheel and placed it on yours. "Do you want any music on, моя любовь?"

"Can I pick?" She nodded and you quickly put on the playlist you were always listening to. 'Marceline' by WILLOW began to play and you started singing along. When it got to the chorus, Natasha joined in with you. She watched as you leaned back, resting your feet on the dashboard. "Tony would kill you if he found you had your feet up."

"Well, unless you were planning on telling him, he won't know." You both laughed as you put your hands up in the air. The wind hit the palms of your hands as Natasha drove down the long road. It was nice and you were happy - more importantly for you, so was Nat. After a few more songs, the car began to slow down as you approached the turning point to the petrol station. "I'm gonna go and get some snacks for the rest of the trip. Do you want anything specific?"

"Surprise me!" She parked the car and went inside while you sat there smiling. It was her. She made you happy. She also made you feel normal. The avengers felt like a real family and they were the only people that treated you like an actual human being.

When Natasha walked out to the car, she had a plastic bag in one hand and the other hand behind her back. "What have you got there?"

"Oh just some chocolates and some other snacks. Aaand, I bought you these." She had a huge grin on her face as she handed you a small bouquet of purple lilacs. "They're pretty, like you. Sorry, that was really cheesy." You both laughed as Nat started the car. "What's the special occasion anyway?"

"Well I just.. You seem like the type of person who would appreciate flowers, and it's a little dumb, but, when I saw these, I thought that you'd like them, maybe."

"It's not dumb, I love them! I love you."

"I love you too." It only took Natasha and you a moment to realise that that was the first time you had both said those three special words to each other. You both smiled not really knowing what to say. "I.. uhh. I mean it, you know."

"I know, Y/N. I do too. Do you want to put the radio back on?" You nodded and resumed the playlist from before.

Back at the compound, Natasha went to the bedroom while you took the car key back to Tony. "See you in a minute." You planted a soft kiss on her cheek before she walked out of the room. You headed straight to Tony's lab knowing that he was probably working on some sort of secret project or something and when you got down there, you found that you were right. Before you even walked in, you could hear music blaring, probably AC/DC, and a lot of loud noises. You knocked before you entered, and brought him the key. "Hey, I'm working on my suit, you wanna try this for me?" He said as he offered you one of the gloves of his suit. "Okay, sure!" You took it carefully and put it on. "Okay now, put your arm out, aim it at the wall where I've drawn a target, and press the button on the index finger." Following what he said, you aimed for the target and pressed the small button. A small part of the glove opened at the top and a rocket flew out and as it hit the wall, it exploded. "Woah, that was so cool!"

"I know, I mean, I did make it. Anyway, how was your date with Romanoff?"

"It was good! She got me these flowers and we had fun!"

"Where'd you go? I need some ideas for a place to take Pepper." After a couple seconds of silence, you realised he was actually serious so you gave him a couple places he could try. He thanked you and then you left, not wanting to keep Natasha waiting.

On your way up to your room, you grabbed a vase with some water for the flowers and right before you reached the door, Wanda stopped you. "Oooo nice flowers, Y/N!"

"I know! Nat got me them."

"So I'm guessing you both had fun on your date."

"Mostly, yes! There was a small incident but she made me feel better."

"Well, I'm happy for you, Y/N!"

"Thank you, Wanda. See you in training tomorrow!"

"Of course!" Wanda walked off and you were finally able to get into your room where Natasha laid on the bed with a movie ready. "Oh shit, I forgot to get snacks!" You knew you had forgotten something, you just couldn't remember what it was. "It's okay, дорогая моя."

"Wait! I have an idea!" You placed the vase on the bedside table and took your phone from your pocket. After you dialled in a number, you waited for them to answer. "Pietro! Um, completely random but could you quickly grab some snacks for me and Nat and do your little sonic the hedgehog trick to bring them up?"

"Sure! Give me 5 seconds!" It sounded like wind blowing down the phone for a few seconds and then there was a knock at the bedroom door. "Pietro's delivery service for a Miss Y/N S/N!" You smiled at Nat as you opened the door and she just laughed. You both thanked him before he left. "Well Y/N, that is a very efficient way to get snacks."

"I know! It's the reason I have him on speed dial!" You both laughed as Natasha started the movie.

It was both Natasha and your favourite movie for many reasons, the main reason being that the plot line is basically 8 milfs working together to steal a very expensive necklace (if you haven't already guessed, the movie is ocean's 8 hehehe). You were sat up on the bed with Nat laid against you as you absentmindedly played with her hair and she traced your thigh with her fingers. There were about 20 minutes left of the movie when Peter knocked on the door. "Hey, Y/N, what songs do you want to sing later? I was thinking maybe we could do that song called Sunflower by Post Malone and then maybe Lemon Boy by Cavetown?"

"That sounds great, Peter! I'll come by your room soon to rehearse them!"

"Okay, see you then!" Natasha laughed a little as he shut the door and walked away. "I love how seriously you take karaoke night. It's so cute."

"Well we have to rehearse so we know which parts each of us are singing. Oh, that reminds me, before I go to meet Peter, we need to practice our song!"

"Usually, I would say no but because it's you, okay then." Once the movie finished, you and Natasha picked a song. You both decided which parts each of you would sing and practiced a couple of times before you went to see Peter.

Once you got to his room, you knocked and walked in. "Hey Spidey, I brought my stuff!"

"Okay, I have the matching suits we ordered." He walked out of his bathroom wearing a suit and went straight to his wardrobe to get yours. Your suit was a slightly different style but the colour was the exact same. You asked Peter to keep it in his wardrobe because you knew the team would find it somewhat amusing and also because you were both fully dedicated to karaoke nights. You quickly changed in the bathroom. "Y/N, you look great!"

"As do you, Spider Boy." After texting Natasha to tell her you'll meet her in the main living space with everyone else, you began practising the songs.

AN - hiii, i am sorry for the 6 week hiatus. i will try to update it more often now :) i literally lost all motivation to write as well as my now completely fucked up sleep schedule not helping. anyyywayyys, i hope you all enjoyed this chapter and if you have any requests for this or a marvel one shot, i will write it asap and tag you :) byeeee 🥰😘

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