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We left out the bathroom and went back to our chairs. I got my gift for winning the game.

"You alright??" Mari mom asked coming up to Mari rubbing her stomach

"Yes..." Mari said smiling

"Are they active??" Her mom asked

"Yes, especially at night time when Indigo is talking to them. Or when she plays music for them..." she said

After a while everybody got back settled. Jilly and Juice made a Kahoot game called Guess who? Mommy or Mama!! This game was asking questions and they had to pick my name, Mari's name or both. They gave us the iPad as everybody got their phones out to play. Everybody got in and we started it.

Who made the first move?
Majority everybody picked me.

"Yes, I made the first move..." I said smiling

Who's better in the kitchen?
Of course everybody picked Mari.

"Who keeps their car the cleanest?
Mostly everybody picked both.

"It's actually Indigo cuz she the one who clean the cars. We are always in her car so her car get the most cleaning..." Mari said

"Who's the better gift giver?
More people picked me.

"Mari is quick to hand you money and tell you to go buy you something nice..." Liyah said making us laugh

"My woman gives me good gifts..." I said

"Pussy is not a gift..." T said making Mari slap the back of her head

"I do give good gifts to Indigo. Pussy is just a bonus..." she said playfully rolling her eyes with a smile

Who spends the most money?
Of course they picked me.

I'm the one that's always out buying some. It's either snacks, clothes or food.

Who's more stubborn?
Everybody picked Mari.

She pointed a middle finger and everybody laughed.

"Indigo is stubborn too..." she said

"Yeah, but they said the most..." I said and she stuck her tongue out making me laugh

Who's first to admit their wrong?
They picked both which was true. Most of the time if we're wrong we'll admit it.

Who said "I love you" first?
Everybody picked me.

"Mari said "I love you" first. After 3 months of us dating. We had just got done, you know what, and she told me she loved me..." I said

"Did you say it back??" Unc asked

"Of course. I loved this woman after a month of dating her..." I said looking at Mari

She looked away blushing.

Who will spoil the kids more?
They all picked both which was accurate.

Who want more kids?
Everybody picked Mari.

"Actually I'm fine with 2. Indigo's the one who wants a big family..." Mari said

"How many kids do you want??" Mari's mom asked me

"4 or 5..." I says and she nodded

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