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It's been a week and half since we came back home. Our furniture came 3 days ago. We also got our TVs too. Can't lie our front room was nice. It was 3 colors. I picked a color, Mari picked one and we agreed on white. So the front room is black, different shades of rose gold and white. It was nice, at this point this is Mari's favorite place in the house. She stay in the front room. Speaking of the front room, we are in here right now watching tv. My phone started ringing, Mari lifted up so I could get it and it was Skye. I pressed the accept button and put the phone to my ear.

"Wassup Skye..." I said

I heard sniffing.
"What's wrong??" I asked sitting up

"It's mom..." she said crying

"What's wrong Skye??" I asked again growing impatient

"Mom was on her way home and somebody shot up her car. They shot her like 10
times..." she said crying harder

"Is she okay??" I asked
"Go upstairs to get the MacBook..." I told Mari and she flew upstairs to get the MacBook

"I don't know but the way she was looking I don't know if she is going to make it..." she said breaking down this made tear up

"Skye just calm down. I'm bout to book a flight now. I'll be there as soon as I can..." I said

"Okay..." she said softly

Mari came back down with the MacBook. I took it from her and started looking up plane tickets.

"Is somebody there with you??" I asked her

"Yeah my friend..." she said

"Let me speak to them..." I said

"Hello..." a masculine voice said

"Can you take care and watch over her until I come??" I asked

"Sure thing..." they said before giving Skye back the phone

"I'll be down there soon as possible..." I said

"Okay..." she said before hanging up

I sat my phone down as I continued looking for a plane ticket.

"What happened??" Mari said rubbing my back

"Mom car got shot up when she was on the way home..." I said

"Oh my god..." Mari said softly
"Is she alright??" She asked

"They haven't said anything yet..." I said

Mari grabbed her phone while continued to look for a plane ticket. After a while found one but Mari told me not to buy it.

"Wait before you buy it..." Mari said

"Why??" I asked looking at her

"Go pack your bags. I got Storme to get the jet for us. So we'll make it there tonight..." she said looking at me

We went upstairs and started packing. She went and told Aaliyah to start packing. Naomi wasn't here cuz she had something going on with her family. After we packed, we waited a while then they came to take us to the jet. Once we got on the jet, they put our bags in and we headed out. On the ride my mind was going crazy and my nerves were bad. I guess Mari peeped it cuz she grabbed my hand and started caressing it. I turned to look at her then she looked at me. I laid back on her, she kissed my forehead and started caressing my face. That calmed me down at lot but not all the way. We stayed like that for the rest of the ride. Once we landed we got off. It was 2 cars waiting on us.

"You can get in one and head to the hospital. Liyah and I will take the other one to put our things up at T's house. If you need me call me..." she said and I nodded

"I love you..." I said

"I love you too..." she said before I grabbed her face and kissed her

I got in one of the cars and I headed to the hospital. When I got there I ran into the inside where I seen Skye laying against a stud.

"Skye..." I said walking up to her

She looked up and ran into me. I wrapped my arms around her and hugged her. Her small frame started shaking against me.

"It's okay..." I said rubbing her back

I held her as she continued crying. She finally calmed down and raised up. I wiped her face and mine.

"We'll be alright! Okay..." I said

"Okay..." she said softly

I kissed her forehead and she hugged me again. She pulled away and she pulled me to where she was sitting.

"Indigo this is Cree, Cree this is my sister Indigo..." she said introducing us

"Wassup..." I said holding my hand out

"Hey..." she said shaking it

I sat beside Skye and we just waited. While waited I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. I pulled it out and it was Mari. She texted to see if I was okay. I told her I was. I don't know how I got this lucky to have a woman who loves and cares for me like she does.

We continued texting. Texting her really helped calm me down. She was just reminding me that everything is going to be okay no matter what happens. That I will always have her and the others. That I needed to be strong for Skye. She was right. I know how close mom and Skye was so I had be strong for her. My mama's sisters and brother had made it to the hospital. We all hugged and just waited to hear what was going. We waited a while before the doctor came out.

"Family of Gloria Cotton..." the doctor said which made us stand up

We walked up to him. His seen all of us and his face softens. I know that look, it was the same look the doctor gave me when our baby didn't make it. Tears slid down my face as he broke the news to everybody. Soon as those words left outta his mouth Skye collapse. She had passed out. Doctors rushed out to get her. I was just standing in the middle of the floor as tears ran down my face. I ran into the restroom and broke down. I wanted one person and one person only Mari. I grabbed my phone out my pocket. I called Mari. She answered on the first ring.

"Wassup baby..." She said

"I need you..." I said as tears ran nun stop

"I'm on the way..." I heard her moving around

"Take my car..." I heard T say

"Thanks..." she said

"I'm on my way baby..." she said as I heard the car start

She stayed on the phone with me the whole ride here. She was speeding and I knew it. She made it here fast.

"I'm here. Where are you??" She said

"In the restroom ..." I said softly

"Alright..." she said before hanging up

A few seconds later, I heard the knob turning.

"It's me..." Mari said on the other side of the door

I quickly opened the door. Soon as I seen her I fell into her arms.

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