Chapter 4

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The weekend had ended, and it was time to go back to school. Not only that, but Lucy would have to go home today. Lucy and the Dragneel children woke up, ate breakfast, got ready for school, and then hopped into Natsu's car.

Nobody said a word during the ride; everyone had things on their minds that kept them occupied: Wendy thinking about her friends at school, Natsu thinking about how good breakfast was, and Lucy thinking about how she woke up this morning.

It wasn't the fact that she woke up in Natsu's room that was bothering her, since she expected just that; it was that she woke up with both Wendy and Natsu wrapped around her. She didn't mind sleeping with them, but her mind was going a mile a minute trying to figure out how they all ended up sleeping together in the first place.

Natsu soon drove through the entrance of the fairy tail campus and pulled to the middle school building before coming to a stop so his sister could get out. Wendy bid Lucy and Natsu goodbye and left the car, but not before giving Lucy a kiss on the cheek and receiving one in return. She happily skipped to the entrance of her building but stopped to cast a sly smile at her clearly irritated older brother.

Natsu let out an irritated sigh before driving off to the high school building, which was only a 2-minute drive from the middle school building.

Natsu pulled into his parking space before switching off the ignition and getting out. He and Lucy walked side by side towards the school building. He could hear and see girls squealing and talking about him, but he ignored them and continued walking with his beloved by his side.

Natsu was the best basketball player at the school, and that got him a lot of attention. It didn't help that he was incredibly handsome and had a body that a lot of boys and men desired to have. His friends were the same way. Girls practically threw themselves at him; some even begged him to do certain activities with them (sexual activities, which he refused, of course), but he paid them no mind since Lucy was the only girl he saw himself doing anything with.

Unfortunately for Natsu, Lucy received the same attention, but from boys, they would ogle her every chance they got, and he absolutely hated it. Lucy, on the other hand, was completely oblivious to the attention she got. Lucy didn't notice when guys and sometimes girls were looking at her; she didn't hear the lewd comments they made on her body, nor did she hear their very detailed conversations on what sexual things they would like to do to her. With her, Natsu absolutely hated this, especially since he could hear everything they said clearly. Even now, as they were walking inside the building, he could hear and see people catcalling and ogling Lucy, which pissed him off greatly, but he kept his cool and continued walking.

Lucy must have noticed Natsu's shift in mood because she held onto his wrist, pulling his attention towards her. "Are you alright?" she asked, concern lacing her voice. Natsu looked down at her and flashed her his signature smile. "I'm fine," he replied, reassuring her that all was well. Lucy pulled her hand back after making sure he was actually alright. Natsu didn't like the loss of physical contact with her, so he pulled her closer and draped his arm around her shoulder, which she didn't seem to mind; in fact, she smiled at him, making him grin even wider.

The two teens met up with their friends at their lockers before they all headed to homeroom.


By lunchtime, Natsu was visibly irritated; every time he would try to talk to Lucy, some loser would interrupt just to flirt with her in front of him.

Natsu and Lucy walked into the cafeteria and sat down at their table with the rest of their friends before taking out the lunches that Grandeeny had made for them. Natsu got some pasta and spicy snacks along with his favourite drink for lunch. Lucy got the same pasta as Natsu, but in a smaller portion. She also got her favourite chips and candy along with her favourite drink.

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