Chapter 4

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—————~ You left me ~—————

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~ You left me ~

Faith Salvatore

I knew I would be in this situation again, I just didn't think it would be so soon. And so I did the one thing I do best.

"How dare you come to my school, and think you have control." I said with anger using my magic to drag him out of the classroom, Lizzie and Josie following while texting my guess the rest of their siblings.

"Look, love. I just want to talk." Niklaus pleaded. I ignored him until I got to my office, when he tried to come closer Lizzie would push him back with her magic. "Well, you have been talking ever since I dragged you out of that classroom so I guess it's time for you to leave." I sneer at him.

Not even 12 seconds after I said that my office door comes flying open with my kids and Hayley. "Get away from my sister before you meet my claws." Hayley said pushing him to the nearest wall.

"Everyone settle please." I yell slamming the door shut with my magic while putting a spell on the room so no one outside can hear us. "Now, I didn't think this gathering would be so soon. But I guess let's get these cats out of our bags yeah."

Everyone backed away the kids went closer to their mother while Hayley stayed at the door making sure Niklaus doesn't try and make a run for it. "Why are their so many kids in the room?" Niklaus asked his former wife confused.

"If you really must know their my kids." I said truthfully smiling down at them. "How? I mean from what I remember we only had three." He said looking at all of them trying to figure out how this happened. "You are correct, Niklaus. We have three of our own but I had my other two beautiful daughters with another."

Once I said that I could feel the anger coming off him, he came closer to me only to get stopped right away from one of his own. "Back the fuck away from my mother." Apollo sneered getting in his fathers face. "I do as I please, boy. Now back down before things get messy." Niklaus threatened my son.

It happened so fast not even Niklaus saw it coming. I used my magic to push the grown man against the wall before walking up to him. "You can speak to me however you like, Niklaus. But if you ever and I mean ever speak to my kids in any disrespect I will kill you in ways that make your murders look like child's play. So try me Nik, I'm one to not be messed with."

I smirked at him before releasing and walking back over to my children. "This is why my mother has my respect not you." Mercury laughed. I swear he can never be serious always laughing at the worst time just like me, because I then started laughing with him.

I quickly stopped laughing and cleared my throat. "Sorry, alright so what do you want Niklaus if it's to come ask to see our kids it's not up to me it's up to them, they are old enough to make their own decisions." I said looking into his eyes. "I don't just want to see them faith I want to see you." He told me taking a step testing the water to see if the kids and Hayley will notice. Which they did and growled making him step back.

"Children! Hayley! What have I said about growling, you will only do that while fighting or your turned." I told them sternly. I saw Niklaus smile at me and my kids seeing how much love and respect they have over me. "You raised them well." He told me. "I know I did, and I didn't need a man's help only my kids if needed." I smirk knowing that will hit a spot.

"I know your angry at me. But please stop with the jabs I'm trying faith." He said getting upset I'm not taking his feelings seriously. "My baby's and sister can you please go to the Salvatore garden I would like to speak with Niklaus alone." They nod before leaving, so now it's just me and Nik.

"Faith, you will never understand how sor-" I cut him off before I hear his sorries again. "Why didn't you stay." I asked quietly. "What do you mean?" He asked me coming closer which I allowed. "Why didn't you stay, like three months after Hope was born you left us. Why?"

He looked at me before sighing letting his eyes drop to the floor. "I didn't think she would want someone like me in her life." I don't think I have ever gotten so aggressive in my life. I pushed him and didn't stop until he finally held my arms. "How dare you! How fucking dare you, think she wouldn't want her dad in her life. She needs me as much as she needs you, getting help from her brothers isn't the same as a father. You took that away from her, you took that away from my baby." I yelled I couldn't hold it in.

"Saying that you didn't think she would want someone like you in her life, is selfish and the cruelest excuse I've ever heard. You will never understand how hard it was hearing my little girl asking for her daddy and not knowing what to do or say. Whatever she thinks of you is your fault you left we could of fixed things but you left us. You left me." I was sobbing so much I couldn't speak anymore so I didn't, I pointed to the door as a way of telling him to leave. And he did.

Hope mikaelson

I was waiting at my mothers office door for a few minutes before I heard it open I look up to see someone I wished to call my father. "I don't understand why you had to break her." I said making him jump and turn to my standing behind him. "Hope!" He said surprise I was there with him.

"Why did you do it." I said wanting the answer now he looked at me with sad eyes before answering. "I'm not sure why I did it, I wanted to try something new I guess." It felt like something took over my body in that second. I lunged at him I was hitting and didn't stop until someone pulled me away.

"I hate you. I will always hate you." I told the man with angry tears down my face. I look up to see Mercury holding on to me. "I think it's best you leave before things get messy." Merc told the man. Klaus stood up nodding before looking at us one last time. Next thing I knew he was gone.


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