Back story: part 2

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While in mystic falls the reason was unknown to faith so she thought it was to see family and have a little get away with her husband and two kids

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While in mystic falls the reason was unknown to faith so she thought it was to see family and have a little get away with her husband and two kids. Faith knew marcel was alive she has a mother and son connection with him so when he 'died' nothing happened she didn't feel a peace of her die too.

While in mystic falls she met her two nephews who are vampires and to say they were shocked was an understatement. She tried to spend as much time as she could with them before she had to leave but while getting to know her family she met a friend. Hayley Marshall.

The two connected straight away Like sisters. The two were inseparable always joking around spending time together. Faith finally felt she had someone she could talk to.

After staying in mystic falls for a while she fell pregnant again not understanding how she asked the spirits. They told her it was because Niklaus broke his curse and now has his werewolf side. Happy with the news she went to tell her husband.

Once she got to their home she saw he wasn't their she tried the woods thinking he was still getting used to being a werewolf. She took Hayley with her telling her how excited she was. While coming up to a clearing the sound of moans filled their ears.

"Hayley please tell me it's not what I think it is." Faith asked her eyes filling with tears. "Look away baby." Hayley told her sister but she couldn't. She couldn't look away seeing her husband cheating on her was something she never thought she would go through.

She dropped the test into the leaves while tears flow out of her eyes Hayley bubbling with anger decided to take things into her own hand. "Are you serious." Hayley yelled at the hybrid gaining his attention.

Hayley covers the crying girl with her body so he didn't know she was their. "Hayley what a surprise." Niklaus says back the a wolf standing in front of him. Now having Nike full attention Hayley moves to show his sobbing wife behind her.

The hybrids faces falls quickly putting his shirt back on as Caroline stands there upset with her actions having getting dressed from hearing Hayley's voice. The two brunettes quickly start walking away after picking up the test.

"Wait! Wait, faith I can explain." Niklaus yells out to his wife. "Nothing can explain that Niklaus. Unless it is an excuse." Faith tells him as she starts to take off her wedding ring. "No, no, no, no faith don't do that. Please, don't do that." He pleads as tears spring to his eyes watching the woman fully take off her ring and placing it in her palm.

"Never did I think 1ooo years of marriage would lead to this." Faith whispers before placing the ring in his palm giving him one last tearful eyes look before turning and walking away with Hayley's arm around her shoulder while the wolf glared at niklaus and Caroline.

When they got back to the house Faith felt numb telling her two older kids they were leaving to live with their nephews so to pack everything. "What's wrong mommy i haven't seen you like this ever." Mercury asks his mother seeing her tearful eyes while packing the last bag in the car.

"I'm pregnant." She tells her two kids before breaking down. "I saw your father with another woman." She finishes falling into her sons arms.

The twins were furious as to why their father would do this. The two put their mother in the back seat letting her have a sleep while Apollo got into the divers and Mercury sits in the passenger.

But even though this day came with heartbreak the two males were over the moon to that a little brother of sister. Secretly hoping they would get the blessing on having a little sister.

After they left Niklaus came back to his home quickly going up to him and his wife's room to find all her stuff gone when looking into his son and daughters room to see their stuff is gone as well.

Niklaus found himself crying in disgust and pity on why he would do this in the first place. Right before he was to sit down he saw something on the bed. He looked to he a letter and a pregnancy test with the words. Positive.

He cried seeing that he was going to have another child but went on to open the letter.

Dear Niklaus

Today was one of the hardest and best days of my life. To see you with another woman broke me but I will stay strong for my four children. I'm not sure why you did it but it makes me feel everything we have lived through and had wasn't worth it to you.

If you didn't love me anymore why not say so. I'm now going through heartbreak. I found out I was pregnant today I was so happy to tell you. So excited to pick out baby name and go shopping for our little girl or boy clothes.

Mercury and Apollo know what happened I couldn't lie to them I will never lie to them you are welcome to see our sons and eventually our baby when he or she is born. But goodbye Niklaus I hope you have a good life and who knows maybe one day we might find each other again.

Love by yours truly
Faith Salvatore

Niklaus mikealson for the first time ever was well and truly heartbroken planing out ways to fix what he has done but none were successful. Mercury and Apollo refused to see their father afraid they will do or say something they will regret so every time he would come to see them and faith the only thing he would get is a 'go away'

After 9 long months hope Salvatore mikaelson was born. She has strawberry blonde hair and beautiful blue eyes like her father my fair skin and personality she was a mommy's girl rather then a daddy's no one complained. Mercury and Apollo were happy to find out they were having a little sister, to the point they bought most of her stuff over the nine months.

A around 1 year after hope was born faith started to notice niklaus came around less and less and so she was going to ask him the next time he came to see hope. But she never got that chance because he never came back.

It was now a year and six months after Hope was born. Faith was having symptoms that She was pregnant once again but didn't know if She was ready to have another so Her being her didn't believe it and left it for another month. Over time she saw her stomach had gotten bigger so She finally took a test.

I didn't want to flip it over how could she be so irresponsible it was the first time she had been sexually active after Niklaus. Taking a deep breath she flipped it and looked. She went into a state of shock not being able to move or breath as she read the words over and over again.


She didn't know if she should be happy or disappointed in herself. How was she going to tell Alaric and her sons. She sent to the doctor to see how far along she was to find out she's around three months pregnant with twins.

After being scared for too long she finally told everyone her sons and little girl first then Alaric. Everyone was happy and Rick adapted well to the news and 6 months later her two blessings came. Elizabeth and josette Salvatore saltzman. Lizzie was a mommy's girl josette the same but a daddy's girl time to time.

It's now been 15 years after having her two precious Gemini twins 17 years after having her beautiful strawberry blonde daughter, 1ooo years of having her two eldest boys, and 15 years since she last saw Niklaus mikaelson well any mikaelson for that matter.


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