Just your mentor, nothing more.

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After everyone was all cheered out they went to be, tired from celebrating. Deja stayed and watch the final scores, everyone done okay, the lowest being a three, no one beat Cato's 11 though. She made her way to her room and as she opened the door she heard a voice from behind her, ''Impressive, how'd you do it then? Spill the beans.'' Cato taunted, standing shirtless wearing nothing but black, silk pants that hung on his hips, ''I painted a picture.'' She replied bluntly and pushed her door open and went inside, as she closed it, the door was pushed open, ''What do you want! I'm tired and I'm not up for your sh-'' Deja started angrily, ''You did not get a ten for painting, tell me what you did now!" He demanded, ''I painted, that's why I took so long, now get out of my room or you wont make it into the arena!" Deja threatened, lunging slightly toward a glass that sat on her table, ''You wouldn't be able to hurt me, you're too caring, you have, you have emotions, that's why I'm going to win and you'll be going home to District Two in a wooden box." Cato laughed and started cornering her, doing his best to intimidate her, she panicked and grabbed the glass, sending it flying at Cato's face, but he wasn't a victor for nothing and he dodged the glass with ease, it was what he wanted, he wanted Deja to fight, it wasn't the best way to get her to, but it was the most effective, his thoughts left him offguard and he was welcomed with a book in the face.

Deja stood with an expression like a deer caught in headlights, Cato's jaw tensed and his brutal, senseless side took over, little did Deja know that she was with the nice Cato beforehand, he lunged forward and Deja threw herself to the floor, soof followed by Cato, who grabbed her legs as she tried to scramble away, he pulled her underneath him effortlessly. ''You have a death wish you fool!" Cato said angrily in her face, she went to knee him in the stomach but he grabbed her leg before she could. ''This would look very dodgy if someone walked in right now.'' She said bluntly, and she had a point. Deja was lying beneath Cato, who was propping himself up with one muscular arm (although that was no hassle for him considering his strength) and his other hand was holding her leg, ''You wish it was.'' Cato laughed huskily, Deja lifted her head slightly using all her strength, ''I hate everything about you and being near you sickens me more and more every second and I'd appreciate it if you never touch me again.'' Deja lied through gritted teeth, Cato didn't recognize the lie and believed her, he punched the ground next to her head, making her jump and close her eyes, she felt weight being lifted off her and she looked up to see him walking away, she signed in relief when se heard the sound of a door opening, ''By the way, the feelings mutual.'' Cato said before slamming the door shut. Deja dragged herself to her bed and fell asleep, feeling nothing but numb.

In the morning Nallia was screaming down the hallway for the 'big day', Deja got herself ready slowly, unprepared for what was waiting for her. It was the day of the interviews, the day before the Games started. Possibly the last day she would be alive. She sat down at the table and everyone glared at her, ''You're late and have been keeping us waiting, as I was saying, you have a morning session on adequacy with me, then an afternoon session with Cato. Lucus, same for you but you'll have Cato first then me in the afternoon.'' Nallia whined as she powdered her white face, ''And who is going to do all this with Cato? Why can't we get someone else?" Deja argued, Nallia snapped her powder case but Cato got in before she could, ''Incase you are forgetting, I've already been through this all, see you this afternoon.'' Cato said bitterly before walking off. He was angry and confused, she hated him and it was his fault, all he wanted to do make her fight so she had a chance of winning, but they both went too far and it ended in the worst possible way, well, the worst thing would have been him snapping her neck, it had crossed his mind, but that was to be saved for the arena. The Arena, he though, what the hell was he going to do, kill her or save her, he still couldn't decide if he even liked her, well, he definitely liked her, a lot, but whether he loved her, well that was a completely different story.

''Get up! Oh lord this is not happening!" Nallia screamed, her patience gone and replaced with pure frustration at Deja, who fell for the sixth time. ''I can't walk in these!" She said, throwing the 7 inch heels at the door, ''Get those shoes now and try again!" She shouted, ''NO! I'll go barefoot if I need to!" Deja shouted before storming out, their time was almost up and all she had learnt was how to sit up straight and fall over fashionably. Lucus walked out of Cato's room laughing and Deja stood motionless as Lucus smiled and walked past confidently, Cato was leaning outside his door, waiting. ''Come on we have a lot of work to do.'' He said impatiently, Deja walked in and Cato motioned for her to sit on one of the chairs on a desk in the middle of the room, she cautiously sat, twiddling her fingers on her lap, ''Now, we have 4 hours alone together to discuss how we are going to approach the interviews.'' Cato said taking a seat, then, there was silence, Deja looked down at her lap, ''Okay, let me think, intimidating? No, don't make me laugh, actually, you could be funny, no, I joke, you have the personality of a dead pig, hmm, sexy? Aha, no way, guess you could just be yourself and fall off the stage and people will feel so sorry for you they sponsor you. Yes, go with that." He was laughing to himself with tears in his eyes, Deja just continued looking at her lap trying her best to ignore him, ''Don't ignore me!" He stopped laughing, she continued looking at her lap, ''Look at me." He said, ''LOOK AT ME!" He repeated, Deja done nothing, just ignored him. Cato lost it and threw the desk in front of him up, intending for it to go to the side but his co-ordination was off and it went forward, knocking Deja back in her chair, the table was large and light but with Cato's brute strength, it sent her flying. Cato stood shocked as he tried to calm down and forced himself not to help, Deja pushed the table off her, tears welling in her eyes, she tried getting up but fell back down when a sharp pain struck her, Cato gave in and ran to her assistance, ''Deja what have you done?" He said, grabbing her waist, instant mistake, she cried in pain the moment his hand made contact, he pulled his hand back and looked at it, it was now soaked in blood. ''Shit Deja, I, I.'' He couldn't bring himself to apologize, ''Can't you wait until the arena before you kill me?" Deja laughed, but Cato growled, unamused by her humor, he picked her up bridal style, ''Come on, I'll take you to the healers, if anyone asks you fell.'' He said, trying to ignore the immense feeling of guilt and the voice in his head telling him what an idiot he was, ''And incase you were about to ask, I still feel sick around around, now more then ever." Deja said before everything went black.

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