Chapter 16

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Back when they were kids, he usually missed a step when he laid eyes on Ashley. After his reaction at the café the other day, it was obvious that she still did things to his equilibrium. It was more than a little embarrassing, since he wasn't a horny teenager anymore. He hadn't even set eyes on her for...years. And then there was his reaction to Suz...

Did he ever feel protective or reflective around Ashley?




But then again, that was probably jealousy, not protectiveness. Ashley wasn't the adventurous sort. She would never put herself in harm's way. He only ever felt protective when they were out.

Was that really only last night?

He saw the eyes turn on her the minute they arrived. Women saw her as a threat, and men saw her as a challenge. He slipped his arm around her waist, and tossed a look at one guy who had the nerve to take a step toward her.

Ashley stopped talking to look up at him through her lashes. He smirked suggestively and she blinked several times before she turned to resume her conversation.

He realized now that he was behaving like a jealous lover and she...

She batted her eyelashes at him!

He chuckled softly and shook his head as he leaned against the door frame and crossed his ankles to assume a lazy, contemplative pose.

No, Ashley didn't exactly inspire deep reflection and self-betterment. He could honestly say that he never felt reflective when he was around Ashley. The feelings that she stirred in him were more...


He laughed out loud and nearly choked when Winchester raised his head and gave him a low growl.

"Sorry." He promised in a low whisper. "I'll be quiet."

Winchester made a soft little woof. Rowdy shook his head in disbelief as he watched his dog curl around the car seat and resume his guard duty over the precious bundle. He heard a soft sigh.


His eyes found her at last and his chest suddenly felt tight.

"This must be how the Grinch felt." He absently rubbed is sternum.

While he was gone, Suz rolled to her side and curled herself protectively around the car seat.

Rowdy stood, leaning on the doorframe and quietly lost in thought for several minutes.

He thought of all the time's he'd curled up in his mom's lap when he was a boy. After he fell and scraped a knee, after he had a bad dream...Mom always held him close and whispered. He couldn't remember what she said, but he remembered how it made him feel.



The way little Brody must feel when Suz guarded him so fiercely.

And now he was going to be guarding them both from some bank-robber turned psychotic stalker.

That was a big responsibility.

...and he hoped he was up to it.

He saw Suz shiver and chided himself as he stepped toward the bed.

He could ponder the meaning of the universe another time.

Right now, he needed to tuck the covers around Suzie.

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