part 22 - home sweet home

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Saturday February 7th
Dixies pov:
It's been about 3 days since I had my chemotherapy, and I feel rubbish. At this point I just want to die and get it over and done with, but i know I can't do that. It would hurt the people i love most, and I don't want that. All I want is for everything to be normal again, for my cancer to just go away, but it won't, and it's do fucking annoying.

"Hi baby" noah said walkingvinto the room and kissing me on the head." "Mmm" I said, lying on my bed, my eyes still closed "shshsh it okay. It's okay" he said causing me to move and fuss around in my bed. "Dixie. Dixie." He said calming me down. "What's wrong beauty" he said softly caressing my cheek with his thumb, my eyes were now open, and I was now sat up "I don't like it noah. I hate it" "I know you do gorgeous" he said holding my hands. "But your going to be OK. I promise."  "No. No I'm not noah. You tell me that every fucking day, and I'm not getting better noah. I'm not. I just want to die. I can't handle it much longer noah. It's just getting worse...." I said starting to cry." "No. No princess dont say that. Please don't say that to me" he said crying "I can't lose you. Dixie. Please. No" "i-im so-rry" I said crying into his shoulder. He was hugging me so tight I thought I would never be able to get out. But I didn't want to get out. I wanted to be with him forever. But I know that's not possible, were both gonna die at some point. Its just who goes first, and when they go....

Noahs pov:
"I-im so-rry" dixie said crying into my shoulder "No. No babygirl. Don't be sorry. You shouldn't have to say sorry for telling me how you feel. It's just that.... it's not the nicest thing for me to hear" i said gentling down the hug and wiping away her tears. "I will do whatever I can to make you live a normal, happy life. Because I love you so flipping much" I said holding both her hands "bu-but wha-what if I d-do die..." "dixie don't say that. Please" "Noah please. What would you do if I die. I want to know." "I would die inside dixie. I wouldn't be able to do anything ever again. You know why" "w-why" "because you are my whole entire world. If I had never met you, I don't know what i would've done. You are perfect." "I love you so much noah" "I love you more sweetheart" "I just wanna go out....I wanna go out and play soccer with you and Curtis, and I wanna go out to the beach and to a restaurant or even just to my bedroom. Or yours. I just want to leave the hospital" she said gently. The sadness clear in her voice. I never thought of it that way. They're such simple things, but she hasn't don't them in so long, she has been stuck in the same room doing nothing for months and months on end. And it has only occurred to me now, that she is sick of it, she wants it to change, and the only way that she thinks is realistic enough to actually change it, is dieing..... not getting better, dieing. And it sucks, because for weeks that has probably been her go to thought, and I just didn't know. I just did not know.... "I know you do gorgeous, and I swear on my life, that you will be able to do those things again. Whether that be in 2 weeks or 102 weeks, it  will happen. I promise you." "Ughhhh why do you have to be so perfecr" she said laughing  "i think you might be getting us confused, because I'm pretty certain that I am staring at perfection right now" "oh yes. The cancer girl is perfect" she said in a monotonic voice forcing out  a VERY fake smile at the end. "Hey. Stop putting yourself down." I said tickling her "o-kk-k" she said giggling. "Your so cute it's unreal!" I said simply just admiring her beauty. She had a wig on, that wasn't too long or too short, it was a couple centimetres or so past her shoulder, and so dark brown that it was nearly black  just like her natural hair colour. She has the most mesmerising Hazel eyes, surrounded by freckles galore. Her face had tons of them. Then was her nose, it was so perfectly shaped, that it should be illegal, it was gorgeous. Then her lips. Oh how I wanted to kiss those suckers right now. "Ughhh why do you have to be so perfect" she said kissing my forehead. "I love you far too much for my own good." She said giggling slightly, causing my heart to just melt "well it's a good job I love you too." I said softly. Into her ear. "Kiss me..." she said staring into my eyes "dixie-" "kiss me noah" she said just seconds before our lips crashed against each other."I-i love yo-ou so mu-uch" she said inbetween and intense battle of tongues "I love you more" I whispered softly, trying to keep my full concentration on our unexpected makeout session. She pulled out to gasp for well needed air, before plumeting back in. I was practically eating her face by now. I missed her taste.... i missed it ALOT. "N-noah" "what babygirl... tell me" "y-your so h-hot" "good to know you appreciate it" i said rubbibg my relatively large fingers over her covered clit "Noah-" "Shh beautiful, just enjoy my touch" "ok" she panted out lightly "good gi-" and before I could finish what I was saying, we both heard a noicez that sounded like a closing door. And if it wqs a closing door. Then we are doomed "shit" "What happened" she asked questioning me "the door. It just closed. That means that someone saw us" "well who cares. I mean it's not like we're doing anything gross." "Well...." "I mean.... well- we weren't having sex at least" "...yeah. you're lips taste nice" "well that's a compliment and a half isn't it" she said giggling "well it should be." I said acting shocked "I'm kidding. I'm kidding. But you taste nice too" "why thank you" I said picking her up. "Come on I'm taking you home" "really!" She said excitedly "yes. I want to see you be all happy. It makes me happy." "But what if the doctors don't let me?" "Don't worry. I mean we don't have to ask them" "Yea" she said giggling " and I mean I feel fine" she said hugging me "perfect. Well let's go then" I said holding her hand and walking out of the hospital, before being stopped by the saydie alayo. The lady occupieing the front desk "not so fast dixie. Come back here" "oh come on saydie. Please. I'll only be gone for like a day or 2 or maybe a week" "Exactly. I can't trust that you will be back when you say you will. Infact I am almost certain that you won't." "Come on saydie. Please I'll bring her back if she feels unwell. She hasn't been out the hospital properly since thanksgiving." "And you know why that is. It's because she could've died that day. And I can tell you what's not helping." "What" dixie said confused "noah egging you on to leave. Dixie have you even asked your main doctor?" "" "ok well you go ask Dr beirman, and then if you get the yes, than you can go. But if not. I konly want to see you down here to go to the cafeteria." "Oh come on saydie. Please, please, please let me go,. Pleaaaseee" "oh your just so cute it's almost impossible to say no to that face. But I don't know dixie. It could be dangerous" "saydie please. I don't even care if its dangerous I'm only supposed to have like a couple weeks left. Just please, please, please let me go" "ok fine." She said "but go quick before someone sees you" she said whispering "thank you so much sayd's" I said before we both ran outside and to my car. "Yay. Home sweet home at last" "I love you." "I love you more"

Hi everyone. Sorry for not updating. I had covid so I had to iscolate for like 2 weeks and I felt really poorly, so I didn't really want to update. I also went to visit my sister and her boyfriend with my family for a couple days, so I didn't do it then, but its out now, and I hope you enjoy the chapter. Also if you could vote that would be awesome.
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